Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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Emmanuelli Law Firm, announces the continuation of the legacy and bankruptcy services and Social Security of the firm's Atty . Amado A. Pereira. Special Edition
South Integral Development, Inc. (DISUR) is a new paradigm of social organization in which the main sectors of the Southern Region, ie, municipalities, academia, private sector and communities are grouped together democratically to take charge of planning and implementation of their economic and social development. DISUR is democratic because all sectors have equal weight and number of votes in its board of directors, so it does not lend itself to the domain of one sector over others. Therefore, its decisions are guided largely by consensus, but if you can not reach it, then determinations are made by individual voting sacred, and secret writing. This organizational model allows the Southern Region taking control over their economic and social, because it has all resources available, such as municipal political power, the intellectual of the universities and colleges, the private sector economic and vibrant social strength of communities. This control is not exercised by spontaneous generation or random, but on the contrary, through scientific planning, strategic and detailed with appropriate goals, objectives, persons or entities in charge, and time to carry them out. This includes mechanisms for measuring and allocation of responsibilities for full compliance with all goals. Despite these characteristics that validate their importance and relevance, DISUR, as a new creation of regional organization, has suffered from the pitfalls and myths that promotes fundamental change due to ignorance of its implications. There are still people who do not understand the relationship between a region and municipality and what is the framework for action and interaction between them, yet many people do not fully understand the advantages of a region to plan its territory, to promote their global products and tourism assets and encourage foreign investment there in the central government officials who fear the model mistakenly view as a threat to their jobs, yet the private sector and academia interdependence has not assimilated the cooperation-competition, to achieve competitive efficiency and, DISUR see politicians with suspicion or as a threat to his leadership, having to enter into cooperative arrangements consistent with leaders of other parties. What is particularly important is that these obstacles and myths will encourage the cohesion of the South, its global scope, and development of intelligence and concerted action, you can organize projects strategic in our region, a deadline to get our economic development and quality of life for all Southerners. These barriers and myths are salvageable, because there is knowledge and experience on these matters in the vast majority of the members of the organization and because it will develop mechanisms increasingly intense education to break the myths and distortions that affect organizational development. On Monday February 28, 2011, at 9:00 am, and in the Conference Room of Academic Affairs at the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce, will be held the Annual Meeting of Members and Regular Members. This meeting particularly important because it will be selected and the Board of Directors 2011-2013. The economic crisis facing the Southern Region of Puerto Rico and the shutdown of its strategic economic projects, requires the reformulation and strengthening commitment to regionalization through the intermediary of DISUR. It is therefore necessary to work with a number of issues to enable DISUR effectively advance their agenda.
addition to improving the regulation and protocols in place to make DISUR an agile organization, economically sustainable service to its members and partners, and with a relevant role in our region South, all sectors must commit DISUR components in driving five pillars of development: 2. Strengthening the academic and intellectual leaders of innovation and development of knowledge economy to capitalize and generate income equitably distributed among the various social components. The academic sector should become the engine of invention and innovation, and DISUR in the channel for the legal protection of these assets to market them globally; 3. Agglutination of private and community sector for the purpose of strengthening the "cluster" or existing business conglomerates in the Southern Region, so as to articulate a development strategy Smart socioeconomic and validated. These "clusters" are the logistics and transportation to the Port of the Americas, Mercedita Airport and Southern Rail and agribusiness, health and tourism. The priority is to strengthen and ensure the continuity of what we have, since then the development of new clusters and lines of business; 4. Propel the beginning of exports and imports through the Port of the Americas by consolidating the current container traffic Southwest currently out of San Juan, so they can start operations megaport. With the effort of all components of DISUR, this could be the basis for the initiation of new shipping routes that may allow the development of value-added areas that will bring well-paying jobs throughout the Southern Region; 5. Pursuing the union of social forces and regional policies for strategic consensus building that will force the central government to comply with existing obligations of investment in the South and to influence and lobby effectively for future equitable distribution of state investment in all regions of the country.
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