" The Nomad, with its war machine, is opposed to the despot with his administrative machine, the unit extrinsic nomadic opposes the intrinsic despotic unit. And yet, are phenomena as correlative and attuned to the problem of the despot is how to integrate, how to internalize the nomadic war machine, and the nomad how to invent a conquered empire management. In the same paragraph in which confused, no longer resist. The philosophical discourse of imperial unity was born through many vicissitudes, the same formations leading from the imperial to the Greek city. And even in the Greek city philosophical discourse maintains an essential relation to the despot or his shadow, with imperialism, with the administration of things and people (there are all sorts of evidence of this in the book by Leo Strauss and Kojève over tyranny.) Philosophical discourse has always been in an essential relation to the law, the institution and the contract that are the problem of the Sovereign, and through the history sedentary formations ranging from despotic to democratic ones. The "signifier" is actually the last avatar philosophical despot. If Nietzsche is separated from the philosophy is perhaps because it is the first to conceive any other mode contrafilosofía speech. That is, a speech to all homeless, whose statements would not be products of a rational administrative machine, with philosophers like bureaucrats of pure reason, but a war machine moving. Perhaps this is the sense in which Nietzsche announces that he begins a new policy (which Klossowski has called the plot against the class itself). We know well that in our schemes, the nomads have no place, not sparing means to regulate, and barely surviving. Nietzsche lived like one of those nomadic reduced to nothing more than his shadow, pension board. But on the other hand, the nomad is not necessarily someone who moves: there are still travel, travel in intensity, and even historically nomadic migrants do not move as they are, conversely, those who do not move, the nomadized is to stay in the same site and escape codes. We know that the revolutionary problem today is to find a point unit struggles to rebuild not despotic or bureaucratic organization of the party or state apparatus: a war machine that would refer to a state apparatus, a nomadic unit in relation to the outside, not be subject to internal despotic unit. This is perhaps the deepest of Nietzsche, the measure of their rupture with philosophy as it appears in the aphorism of thought have made a war machine, a nomadic power. And even if the trip is still, even if done without leaving the place, even imperceptible, unexpected underground we must ask: Who are today's nomadic? Who are our true Nietzschean today? "Gilles Deleuze
We have become nomads, I think, sitting or walking somewhere in this search lonely and restless, to understand, to escape, to survive, fight conditioning. As part of a race that honors rootless and despatriado, constantly searching, getaway. Is there a potential livelihood beyond our jealous thought?
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