By Atty. Emmanuelli Rolando Jiménez, JD, LL.M.
recently wrote about the issue of partisanship, the lies, silence and woodworm. The spectra that as cruel Nordic Valkyries are choosing their victims mercilessly to destroy our chances and aspirations as a people. Today
I mean a second time to partisanship and woodworm. As previously mentioned, the beetles are the common name are the larvae of several species of wood boring insects, structures, furniture or works of art, and where the tunnels constructed for the purpose of breeding and feeding. Tirelessly to undermine and eventually undermine everything good damage so hopelessly.
Today I am referring to partisanship and woodworm. The beetles are the common name are the larvae of several species of wood boring insects, structures, furniture or works of art, and where the tunnels constructed for the purpose of breeding and feeding. Tirelessly to undermine and eventually undermine everything good damage so hopelessly.
When we talk about worms, we are not referring to the greed for power and money, which is discussed in the next article, we refer to the compulsion of wanting to penetrate all the circles or Environments human activity, in broad daylight day or covertly, to be gaining adherents by offering unconditional patronage apocryphal or chimerical promises of a better future life. By constant swarm in search with new fans, sects and parties are wearing, boring and undermining other entities and structures that have been created with laudable social and economic purposes.
The partisanship and sectarianism are always precarious for its peculiarity of being exclusive. Sects and parties create their codes and standards of membership open or secret. To become a member of a sect or party must be a certain way or believe in some particulars. This in itself, marginalized, rejected and shelves for those who are different or belong to other profiles creative. Like everything, these lifestyles and beliefs are open to interpretation. That is why even among sectarian and partisan disputes arise real or imagined that separate them individually or antagonistic factions that struggle for survival paranoid trying to destroy or absorb the others.By its nature divisive sectarianism and partisanship constantly erode their own heart. That is why they have to be constantly lurking places, organizations or structures in which enter, penetrate and feed. This means the abduction and recruitment with new fans. If the ground of these settings is not fertile or not it serves your purposes, then you need to destroy to be strongholds of the enemies of other sects or parties.
The heated sectarian or partisan only see through the narrow lanes of the tunnels of the beetles. If two people walk together or work together, is because they are the same party or group. If you promote someone at work or organization, it is because their bosses or superiors are the same party. If the boy falls for a girl, you have to figure out which party or sect are their parents.
That's why when you speak to a larva of beetles on a person or organization, the first question is: PNP or Popular? If it be of his party, is sympathetic and tranquility. If the opposite party, dislike and disgust. Question then, how is that that person works there? What wins? Who is your sponsor? What should I do to be a member of the organization? Who belongs to are my sect or party? If you said this is because it is PNP. If you are protesting should be independence. How can we close the way? How do we make it difficult? If you're reviewing so much is that wants to be political and challenge me. woodworm larvae can not have positive thoughts or mere tolerance for those who do not belong to sect or party. The dark worms have only one lens. Of the sect or party. Everything aside, if you can not eat, plenty and need to marginalize and destroy. So poison, slander, sow discord and harm, but sooner or later end up as victims of toxic spills.
woodworm larvae are very unhappy. They live a life of doubt, suspicion, insecurity, disturbed interpretations, delusions of persecution, delusions of grandeur, but most of all, marginalization. Classifying living in groups and are increasingly feeling more alone, because they dare not meet, talk, discuss, coordinate, plan, contribute and build the future shoulder shoulder, with people outside their party or sect.
woodworm larvae are what have caused that in Puerto Rico we were unable to agree to direct and develop key strategic projects and as a people.
The partisanship and sectarianism is a personality disorder, which unlike any other, is terribly contagious. It is epidemic because it relies on the political and economic power or potential. Woodworm larvae prey on the weaknesses, problems and other diseases, to trick them with offers conditional on starting in the sect or sign up for the game. So go to begin or recruit in cycles of four years with increasingly outlandish promises.
Fortunately, worms worms can hardly meet their offers and eventually fall of its own weight, being devoured by the jaws of his lies. The despicable partisanship and sectarianism inevitably fail, because their task is divisive and exclusionary, leaving the increasingly alone and weakened.
The problem is that the people trying to overcome this unhealthy and unnatural division by replacing the previous and new partisan and sectarian. The snake biting its tail again. We entered another round of Nietzschean eternal return.
While the Village continues to give way to a condition that causes the worms, we are doomed to underdevelopment. It is therefore essential to educate about the evils of division and offer alternative development and overcome this scourge, by fair accommodation of interests and consensus building towards the objectives of higher order.
As a general rule, the party or sectarian responsible only to their group, for lack of courage, leadership and accountability to their constituents. The irony, or little recognized, is that a politician or elected official does not mean you have to be hopelessly partisan or sectarian. The politician can answer irrevocably to their constituents or voters. We have had very edifying examples of politicians inclusive, tolerant, openness, and accountability to their constituents. It is no coincidence that they have been the most successful and which are indelibly written in the conscience of our people.
The break with the partisan and sectarian system is possible through education and empowerment of the people in participatory democracy. It is the only way politicians will be forced to abandon their old practices to respond directly and responsibly to the will of their constituents over what the views or decides his sect or party.
By Rolando Jiménez, JD, LL.M.
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Location: Ave Esmeralda, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
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