Saturday, February 19, 2011

Food Concession Agreement



Contact: Yanid Emmanuelli
Tel: 787-848-0666

Emmanuelli Rolando Jimenez submits bid to chair DISUR

Ponce - Vice President South Integral Development (DISUR), Atty. Emmanuelli Rolando Jimenez, announced today that aims to chair this regional organization that brings together areas of academia, businesses, community groups and fifteen municipalities of the South. DISUR is currently chaired by Yauco Mayor Abel Nazario. Emmanuelli

Jimenez, who is a founding member of DISUR, has been one of the advocates that promote the development of autonomous regions in the country and the global projection of its assets to attract new investment and jobs in Puerto Rico.

According to the lawyer, DISUR, has set out short, medium and long term should lead to the delegation of powers by the Central Government in the areas of regional planning, industrial promotion and tourism development.

"DISUR These powers will make it an organizational model that will allow other regions of the country overcome the economic crisis and steer their development," said Emmanuelli-Jiménez. Under his presidency

attorney will focus on five main pillars: economic empowerment DISUR and phasing dependence on funding from the municipalities, strengthening the academic sector intellectual leaders of innovation and development of knowledge economy to capitalize and develop income distributed equally among the different components: the binding of the private sector for the purpose of strengthening the "cluster" or existing business conglomerates in the south so that be articulated into a smart strategy of socioeconomic development and validated. These clusters are the logistics and transportation to the Port of the Americas and the Southern Railway, agribusiness, health, biomedical and tourism purposes .

also propel the development of exports and imports through Port of the Americas to opening of the mega-port operations. This will be the basis for development of the area will bring added value to paying jobs in the South. Persiguirá also agglutination of regional social forces to influence and lobby for a more equitable distribution of state investment in different regions.

"It is time that the private sector take the lead in DISUR, particularly when the public sector" now in process of preparation and political mobilization to the primaries and elections in 2012. Allow other municipal executive to assume the presidency DISUR during the pre-election period would risk DISUR able to implement the initiatives that are underway, "said Emmanuelli while urging universities, businesses and communities to join DISUR.

The presidential election will be the DISUR Feb. 28.

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By Atty. Emmanuelli Rolando Jiménez, JD, LL.M.

The author is a probate lawyer, Chairman of the Firm
in Ponce, President of the Southern Alliance Pro

, Vice President DISUR, Inc., past president of the Chamber of Commerce of South Puerto Rico and host Due Process of Law program, which airs every Saturday at 11:00 am by WPAB 550. For more information see


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