Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Indian Satellite Channels

Ufffs, long time ago I do not appear on the blog, I've been busy with my thesis. About this insomniac made and I take up this article I found in my turisteos around the web (it's just an excerpt of the text, the original source.)

"architecture, urban planning and land management can be understood as organizers of complex systems where the variables are not linearly related. The behavior of the elements of an ecosystem responds to where the alteration of a
variables beyond the flexibility inherent in the system, generates an exponential behavior or any other, to create a new situation unstable equilibrium.
These processes are responsible for situations (dynamic) as seemingly random as the city or the distribution of territory. The system, which is a result of
variables analyzed and their interrelations, then the fact predates architectural or urban planning and is in confrontation with the specific circumstances of each particular environment, where it reaches its final configuration.
As in most complex systems, complexity is achieved from the relationship of simple elements, which are combined to generate entities with a greater degree of complexity, which in turn are interrelated, etc ... the limits of ecosystems (ecotones),
are the areas of contact with adjacent ecosystems. An ecosystem is related to others in the same way that the various elements are interconnected within itself, generating a seemingly unlimited relationships (areas) where the finiteness is defined as a point of gradient approaches zero influence .
systemic vision of architecture is one of the strongest ways to overcome post-modernity, when thinking as a way of generating, on the one hand, underlines the complex condition that architecture and urbanism always had, but on the other, brings new forms of production, apart from the idea, history, memory, metaphor and even the place ... or if not rule, takes these issues as part of a much larger system of relationships, moving them from their central position.

The concept of sustainability can only be understood through a systemic view of reality. To achieve sustainability, a system must necessarily increasing its complexity.
The concept of "sustainable development" is an oxymoron. The current economic rationale associated with economic welfare, which is determined by increased production and consumption, necessarily based on increased consumption of natural resources
Environmental economics can be argued that increasing consumption of manufactured capital by reducing the consumption of natural capital through the development of technologies (renewable energy and nanotechnology). However, the sustainability of the global system would go into crisis, as this model of development based on current economic and social inequalities. Front
environmental economics, ecological economics suggests that to achieve sustainability of the system is necessary to reduce production and consumption of manufactured capital. This results, logically, a reduction in consumption of natural resources. Society should change from a society that measures its Wellness in the consumption of physical goods, a social model in which welfare is based on the use of knowledge assets, intangible product. The key issue is the development of knowledge and information technology. This paradigm shift leads to increased system complexity. Furthermore, the relationships between its components and their properties should complicate
to achieve more efficient use of available resources. The complex management and organizational mode to replace the current sectorization. complex exercises on supports unsustainable. increasing sustainability of unsustainable patterns.
The degree of complexity of a system is defined by the system of relations established between its components and their complexity. To reduce resource consumption in a system, they must be shared by its members, resulting
new relationships and connections based on the increased use of these resources. In a pre-existing low-complexity and high resource consumption can reduce this factor by increasing system complexity can be generated to establish new ties of relationship between components or through a process of complexity of the they allow an intensification of the use that they make the other system components. The complexity of the components also leads to a qualification of the component, which avoids the need to add other components to the system simple with these qualities.
The number of relationships established between the components of the system increases by managing complex system, considering the whole system as a whole. Sectorial management establishes unrelated fields within the system, generating an increased need for resources to reduce the intensity of their use.

To study the complexity of the ecosystem formed by man, society and nature apply various scales of observation to include a subsystem encompassed in the global ecosystem. The changes that increase the complexity of the subsystems
imply an increase of the components or relationships of the components that comprise the global ecosystem, it also increases the complexity of the whole.
The subsystems are implemented transformations corresponding to different scales at which reality is commonly divided in the practice of spatial planning and architecture: the room, community spaces, public space, the city and the territory
. In these subsystems the complexity can be increased through simple changes complejicen components that form, multiply and intensify its use and increase both the relations between its components, such as relations between the different subsystems.

Domestically the company's physical assets consumption in postmodernity characterized by increased absorption and accumulation. The lack of connection, the uniqueness of applications, the standardization of components and their specificity
monofunctional involving an increasing consumption of resources, make the domestic space in a tight space that is not related to the environment and operating through a large consumption of energy and space. The lack of flexibility and adaptability of conventional housing models come into conflict with new changing modes of living that characterize the current situation. The adaptation of these models to this new situation creates a consumption of resources that could be prevented through changes in these models to others with a greater degree of adaptability to changes in the ways of living, changes of use and to allow greater intensification of use. Reducing the domestic space to the basic cell that is the room, it could be associated in different ways according to the new family models and how they live today. The relationship
cell room environment is also proposed a transformation that complicates the element by which they relate. If a conventional enclosure only played the roles of thermal and acoustic insulation, understanding it as an enclosure which constitutes a housing component with the largest number of functions, causing a radical transformation of the cell housing. The envelope takes many uses and offers new ways to interact with the environment. This envelope can assume the functions of storage, regulating the intensity of light and direct solar radiation, modified by season, increasing the degree of thermal insulation, acoustic privacy, and can and should have the qualities and easy recyclability adaptation to changing modes of life for users. Applying this concept of storage envelope and relationship with the environment to the conventional types, the degree of sustainability of these increases to be required fewer resources to adapt to changing ways of living of the users . Besides the relationship with the media may take many forms avoiding self-absorption and the tightness of conventional enclosures and recovering the perception of seasonality.
spaces relationship between the domestic and urban space have been relegated almost entirely to the core function of communication, eliminating community uses proposed in the motion modern. This reduction causes a decrease of monofunctional relationships between domestic space users and potential users outside the cell housing to those who provided services. It has also led to the need to incorporate these functions prior to each cell housing community with a consequent decrease in the intensity of use and increased resource consumption, which in this case could amount to living space within the home.
If these spaces not only incorporate community uses that formerly characterized, but also introduce their own uses of public space, these areas increase markedly its ability to create relationships between the users of the cell room and those outside them. The common spaces conceived as spaces go extension of private space to function as extensions of public space.
This increase in complexity with the juxtaposition of previously separate applications and the integration of public and private courses can be applied on a wider scale in the urban space. If the private area is completely surrounded by the public, increasing the contact surface and the intersection of routes increase significantly the number of possible relationships within the urban system. The current distribution of applications via separate buildings monofunctional and the exclusive use of the street elevation
for public space reduces the surface potential of relationship.
previously proposed a storage envelope and relationship applied to a type of conventional housing. A public urban scale bound fundamentally change the relationship and living systems of the public. It becomes the basic section of the city, joining the public on all levels. The city recovered its natural sphere of relationship and by enhancing public use, relationships increase dramatically.

The territory also must intensify qualities intrinsic to it. The field should be more urban area and urban (S. Rueda). The city should aim to increase its compactness to reduce demand for resources instead of betting on current dispersion models that, in addition to consuming more land, are systems with higher requirements for its operation. The compact city is a more complex system that can reduce resource consumption noticeably through increased use and the continuous generation of relationships among its components in order to maximize available resources.
Due to the current need to reform existing systems rather than replacing them with new ones that worked so sustainable, but need huge amounts of resources for their creation, modification to the increased complexity in media are unsustainable basic exercises to improve the overall sustainability of existing urban systems and, therefore, ecosystem-Man-Nature Society. "

Javier Caro Gentil Miguel Fernández Domínguez


The image is from Rome Wiki (MIT, Carlo Ratti project).

Saturday, July 11, 2009

3d Tonka Truck Cake Pan

An interview with Peter Sloterdijk

We are in the world bubbles, spheres, incubators, greenhouses, where the man is built, protects and change. The area is no longer the world's morphological image polyspherical we inhabit, but the foam. ::: Peter Sloterdijk

pospesimista Interview with philosopher and poscínico

For some, Peter Sloterdijk is a visionary, a "new and
great Nietzsche." For others, the most famous German philosopher Jurgen Habermas after and responsible for opening the door to eugenics, a current approved genetically engineered to improve human health. Anyway, 20 years each book of the professor of aesthetics ends becoming a bestseller.

The Nation: What is the reason for this fascination? Probably the way he describes the world and man through concepts like "bubble", "ball" and "scum."

Peter Sloterdijk: According to their theory, the day when Copernicus proved that the earth was suspended in space, humanity hesitated man panicked at the thought of falling into the void and disappear in an infinite black hole. Since then, men seek to recover only a protective mantle, similar to the placenta which we comfortable. Therefore, that all human work tends to rebuild the original shape.

In the three volumes of almost 1000 pages each comprising "Spheres", this giant 57 year old blonde tries to show that, in this titanic effort to protect itself from "the terrors of abysmal space, rich Western countries have developed an "offensive constructivism, extended to infinity by construction, utopian and pragmatic, a global glass house should ensure a modern habitat in space open. "

But not all praise for the new star of world philosophy, who heads the University of Karlsruhe. Many accuse him of having transgressed the moral and political ban hanging over genetic engineering. The most tenacious critics is Habermas.

The scandal broke in 1999, at a conference titled Sloterdijk "Rules for the Human Park" . Going further than Nietzsche, presented to the school, education, the Church and humanity as techniques of domestication of man: "This practice he said has led us to live in a zoo full of animal themed civilized, where man is domesticated itself and tries to do the same with the newcomers. "educational humanism, he said, opened an" era antropotécnica "where genetic engineering and cloning is inevitable.

" After the conference, Habermas , awareness of Nazi Germany, accused him of using "Nazi jargon" and denounced his "anthropology of the 1940. The press, meanwhile, called it eugenics. What is your response?

- Eugenics is a part of modern thought. It is the very basis of liberalism. Eugenics is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe traditional left, taken by the Nationalists after the First World War. Progressivism is applied to the field of genetics. Each individual is reasonable at the time eugenicist who marries. Every woman is eugenics if you prefer to marry a man who has favorable qualities in physical appearance. Eugenics is the everyday.

- completely unconscious?

"Not at all. One is not unaware if he marries a beautiful woman. The preference of beauty in erotic matters is not unconscious: it is consciousness itself. As Plato said in "The Banquet" is the will to beget in beauty. Is the more conscious act and the most reasonable human being.

"So is eugenics fascist. Can man believed God and decide who should live and who is not?

"There never was a fascist eugenics. What was racist was an exterminator. This willingness to kill never had the slightest connection with the concept of eugenics conceived as a means of reflecting on the best terms that will be created the next generation. The Nazis took advantage of some pseudo-scientific excuses to eliminate diseased. That has nothing to do with eugenics. It is a total abuse of language to call it.

- And what do you attribute this confusion?

-A left-wing fascism was never revealed what it really is. The anti-fascism, as dominant ideology is that left-wing fascism never made their games. Its representatives never confessed what they really are. Accusing the fascists fascists hide their own right as fascists, including Maoism, which was the worst of fascism. Beside Mao, Hitler look like a fool and a neurasthenic, a poor figure compared with the major fascist Mao Tse-tung.

"When you used the term" human zoo theme "naturally had to cause a commotion. Was it a provocation?

Not at all. They are just metaphors that evoke an anthropological reality that exists, with or without the metaphor. Because the habitat of human being is the pure nature or pure state house. It is an intermediary organization, which is like a zoo. A city that was only a city would be a kind of prison. Livable cities are like zoos. And a human zoo is just a metaphor that refers to the urban quality of being human. I do not see where is the challenge. The thought of human beings in relation to animals is dominated by the zoofobia, the racism of the species. Men make their own projections in those terms, I believe that a reduction of humanity to animality, where is the exact opposite.

- Is it in that sense that, for you, "man is an animal of luxury?

"It's so luxurious that it is able to remain a real animal. Lost the ability to be an animal. That's my definition of humanity: the inability to be acquired in the field of animality. We are beings doomed to escape forward, and in that race we become ecstatic. That ecstasy corresponds to what Heidegger called "the opening to the world." Returning to eugenics, a supporter of eugenics luxury. I am particularly interested human beings as a phenomenon of luxury, almost miraculously, appeared at random. That creature carries a genetic disease inherited that are good for nothing, but with us. The only question eugenics that future generations might arise would be whether to suppress, through genetic engineering, some of these companions. In 50 or 100 years, I am sure that most of humanity will agree with these techniques. But this has nothing to do with eugenics trap. You need to get used to think the man as a luxury, even when dogmatic not stop telling us that man is man only in terms of its shortcomings.

-With three volumes of "Spheres" left the field of bioethics to raise no less than a general morphology of human space. In this trilogy returns to the big question of Heidegger: Where are we when we say we are in the world?

"And I reply:" In bubble areas, hatcheries, greenhouses, where the man is built, protects and change. " Human life always organized itself by creating protected areas and immune cell protoplasm and children in the womb, through the men when they build their intimacy, their homes, their cities and their metaphysical or imaginary spaces.

"For you, the model of the area is the island. Does the human fact would be built by separating?

-An island is because it is isolated, and human fact is the result of a major operation of isolation. The process leading to human reality is the self-enclosing a human group transforms its members as the monkeys become men. That process begins with a perverse and particular use of the hand of the monkey, which is metamorphosed into a human hand. We play differently, as shown by Sartre in "Being and Nothingness" when he speaks of the stroking. The touch is exactly the act that proves that the human hand has become ecstatic. Is no longer happy with the gesture of taking one thing: the hand turns the antenna to be.

- What is what you call "uterotopo?

"It's another aspect of the Isle of Man. You need to understand that human beings are condemned to a metaphorical practice is the need to repeat the situation ex utero in utero. The uterine environment becomes the symbol of global activity, because the human being is always dependent on a space saver for human nature.

-In "Foams," the latest volume of his trilogy, you say that those countless human spheres are agglomerated to form packages of "foam" which suggest that many human spaces closed.

"I could not stay at the level of the protective bubble of the family or small horde. I play classical metaphysics immune system as a symbolic building a transcendent and indestructible film about human beings. While mortals living under this sky, it was plausible to think that the cosmos was the house of God, that area where the center is everywhere and circumference nowhere, and men, tenants. In "Foams" show why this monoesfera metaphysics was bound to fail.

- Why?

"There's a contradiction that reflects the formal dilemma of the current situation in the world: through markets and global media are witnessing a war between lifestyles and between goods of information. Where everything is center can not be a true center. Where all issues, the event broadcasting center is lost in mixed messages. We see then that was the unit circle, the only, the largest, encompassing everything else has irrevocably ended. The area is no longer the world's morphological image polyspherical we inhabit, but the foam.

"In any case, this living space is increasingly under threat from the air we breathe is conditioned, filtered, purified. After the use of deadly gases, the air has become a threatening element. The air and environment are part of military strategy and, like the man needs to be immunized against these dangers ... -...

this accelerates the construction of protective areas, be they air space, our cities or our air conditioned offices and apartments. Our Western world would be a huge crystal palace. Something similar to the Crystal Palace of the British, the giant greenhouse and luxurious built in London in 1850 for the Universal Exhibition. West has replaced the metaphysical world by a large interior space organized by the purchasing power. Liberal capitalism embodies the will to exclude the outside world, retiring in absolute interior, comfortable decor, large enough so that we do not feel locked. I think that urban glass palace, with its pedestrian streets, homes with air conditioning, gives an adequate response to that desire. Walter Benjamin already said at the time of the Restoration in France, when speaking of malls and shopping streets of Paris. For him, building these passages, the regime of Napoleon III showed his true nature trying to transform the inner world in a kind of phantasmagoria: a large open room where you get the world without being obliged to leave home. For him, this was the ghost of bourgeois base: want to enjoy all the fruits of the world without leaving home.

- Based on this objective, the globalization of the media helps tremendously, because you can bring the world into your home without having to move?


And the rest, what do you do? What do you do with the underdeveloped periphery of the world?

-Used for sightseeing and practice charity. To get good conscience.

- Do you speak of postmodern man?

"Yes. Modernism was the time of the construction of the great glass greenhouse. Postmodernism is life after total inclusion in the large greenhouse. The periphery is there simply to remind us that everything is very safe and it is necessary to protect the structure at any price.

- Does the military system called "Star Wars", developed by the U.S., is part of the large greenhouse?

"Of course, because they are the guardians of this great palace of glass, mostly from its surface. A surface that is very fragile and at the same time, very flexible. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Americans began to build more sophisticated structures and even bigger than the Twin Towers. The funny thing is that nobody seems to miss those towers. Just
were destroyed, their functions were to be met by other structures. The real result of 11 September was that since then, Americans have something very precious: their first national monument mythical. Something like the Jerusalem of the Christians in the Middle Ages: the site where the tomb of Christ. For the first time, Americans have the Holy Land in the United States. To make a crusade, it is necessary to have a Holy Land.

"You not only hard on the Americans, also is with the Europeans, whom they accused of being cynical, look at the world with its principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, but say so and can not be change.

"Yes, cynicism is a kind of pragmatism applied to the field of ethical reflection. The old cynicism was something else, was simply a naturalist, a representation of nature as a reasonable regime regulating the movement of the stars and celestial bodies, and at the same time could be applied to human behavior. This sort of naturalism indicated that there was to give to the needs created by society and lead the life of a dog

- And you are a cynic?

"Not at all. I do not think you can ignore the needs created by society. Finally, Diogenes in his barrel, failed ignored. The proof is that he also wanted to enter the urban conversation, become the subject of public attention due to its spectacular barrel and this marginalization. For him, that was the only way I could a philosopher to be noticed in a society where all the good jobs were already distributed. Nowadays, one could say that cynicism is a marketing philosophy and the invention of dramatic gestures à coté is a philosophy of philosophy spoken, is a sort of expansion of the means of philosophical communication.

Returning to the crystal palace, and as nothing is eternal, what will happen after the large greenhouse?

-will end because the dolce vita in the great glass palace is based on technology that is not sustainable. Ie fossil fuels. In the history of mankind, the fossil must have been an episode of only about 300 years. We have fossil fuels for 50, 100 years maximum. In any case, our pleasure is not the same: it was virtually demolished, because fossil fuels are only nice when they are cheap, and that era is over forever. Not coming any more. When everything becomes expensive, no more comfort, because the democratization of luxury is impossible. The gifts of nature end there. Now people wonder how you can replace those gifts. The truth is that the man hates the job. Men pretend to work, but working dream of a gift, a treasure we seek on an ongoing basis. The work is only a sort of intermezzo is accepted pending the great gift.
Now, before the end of fossil fuels, the work returns as an unbearable burden.

"We can not complain, since the mid-nineteenth century until now we have reduced by two thirds the working time.

"Yes." But that was over forever. The end of the easy life is irreversible.

-After this, it seems rather difficult to understand why you are optimistic about the future of man.

"Because we have a good ability to manage this big shift to a technology that will be both cheap, compatible with the demands of democracy and, above all, affordable for countries that are now in the periphery. These people take advantage of the situation when the new solar technologies are available at reasonable prices. These new resources will enable a completely different structure of civilization.

- Can we say then that you are a philosopher pospesimista?

"I had not occurred, but it seems very appropriate that definition.

Luisa Corradini interview published in The Nation Buenos Aires with the title: Peter Sloterdijk: "Fascism had never left their grief"

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blue Black Hair W/ Blue Highlights

"A shocking story, a" rave (hu) rbano "or" the city as a laboratory capitalist polemics

The city is probably a more complex structures created by man.

According to a letter of Wu Ming (The time of the Metropolis is finished), science fiction only represents the daily horror of the city, in a time when the modern era of man as a fantasy machine, has been overshadowed by reality overmodernity (or postmodern).

"If the ancient city was parasitic energy of the surrounding countryside, contemporary urban areas are actually parasites of the entire planet: the consumption of energy in lifestyle imposed by the metropolis can not be sustained much longer. The urban areas depend on for all resources of remote territories. A city of one million devours two million kilos of food per day while producing no really, nothing. The Sears building in Chicago has 130 kilometers of cable Lift and consumes more electricity than a medium sized city. There is no metropolis in the future Final of man or the world. "Wu Ming 5 -----------------------------------

theory Lyotard on the order of stories is a half truth. A half because the ideologies are not dead, but as historical energies have been transformed, reformulated, misrepresented. This distortion is a change of form, not substance, assuming the bottom is the consensus that now governs capitalist world economic development. In this sense, Lyotard's assertiveness is its assumption that this change of shape, reveals a new ruling ideology, from which any thought possible (the best example is "Chinese Communism") while the curtain remains the same. Here is his cultural historical stage "postmodern."

This triumph of capitalism as an end to the stories of utopias and revolutionary fantasies, however, reveals, or terminates, a new ideology: the global neo-liberalization and cultural confirmation of the death of modern ideals. The super man nitzscheano (Zarathustra laments) probably gave its final step to the last man.

------------------------------------------------ ----
cities are a reflection of man, the germ of control, and therefore development of civilization. Cities are the mirror of their actions, their sins and its benefits, its vices and virtues, their courage and disease. Today's cities are full of spectacular fractal human life, produced by a hand observer and dynamics around a single activity: consumption.

When Wu ming said that the cities have maintained their standard anti parasite development, argues therefore conclude that such structures have evolved from a fatal form for self-preservation of the human race. But this evolution has been calculated.

Current capitalism in the City has seen its perfect creation, crystallization fluctuating dynamic equilibrium, its geographic heart. Is this the macro maze of Skinner, where man's precious to "free" is to eat to survive and continue to feed the system?.
The simulation model is how the City? as a labyrinth, as market analysis, the culmination of an accepted and agreed to live. The urban area expands, and continues to consume rural land and agricultural TO DEVELOP indefinitely. A German
inevitably consume more energy than an African citizen, even though Germany is one of the leading countries in sustainable technologies. And here's the point. The Dilemma of dwelling Man City Polis on the matrix is \u200b\u200bnot resolved with advanced technologies, has to do with the way we live, say conditioned habit. According to Von Bertalanfy
behavioral psychology to modern man provided the perfect conditions to satisfy the capitalists. What tamed and conditions under an operating mechanism and specific small-eating, work and death. And just psychology (hu) rbana experience in a cryptic maze: The city.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Interfacing Pic16f877a Transmitter

The following talks were published in the Journal of the IOI Group Cientodiez.
the end the original source

Ideology and Technical

Conversations JAIME LERNER
I think that to change a city for the better, there are several factors that are important. First, political will. Second, solidarity, have a vision of solidarity with the people. Third, have a strategy and fourth, to make each issue of a city, an equation of responsibilities. After nearly 40 years working in the city, I believe, and I can swear that a city can improve in less than three years. No matter the scale of the city or the resources it has available, for every problem you can mount a co-responsibility equation, in the case of transport in Curitiba, we had no resources for an entire fleet, and what we did: the municipality defined the proposed system and the private that "we invest in the itinerary and you in the fleet, and we will pay per mile road." This saves $ 300 million, because they were the private who purchased the fleet and the system in Curitiba will pay for itself, there are no subsidies.
Another thing. I have contacts with very sophisticated planning structures. Many times they can not even answer two simple questions: First, to where the city is growing, or what is the structure of growth in the city; Second, how is that the people of this city lives. These are two fundamental questions. I think that a city that has good quality of life, has enough attraction for investment can create jobs. The quality of life is a good generator of jobs.
When I asked how to get things done, my answer is this: To do the things necessary to propose a scenario, an idea, a proposal that all, or most people understand as desirable. Hence all help make happen. If people, or politicians, or the technicians do not understand what the stage to propose to the people either do not know how to communicate this scenario, it is clear that things will become very difficult. The proposal for the city should be very clear, from the technical to the people making policy decisions, and part of the people taking policy decisions to the public. Sometimes some people think they have a lifetime to plan, you always have to feed the policy makers, who have that responsibility, with ideas, proposals. That is what is needed, because the city is not as complex as the complexity vendors want us to understand. The city is not so complex, and the world is full of sellers of complexity, we must fight to tons. Marcial Echenique

I've always trusted and have been pioneering the use of simulation models because they allow decisions to take some kind of long and short term. These role models are representations of the functioning of a city, how people behave in space. The best known in economics and urban development are simulation models of people's behavior, which is updated as income increases. One can predict the short term, long-term conditions, as people will need more mobility.

IIO - sustainability is commonly taken in the environmental technology field, but we know that the problem involves economic and political scales, at least what is the competence of an architect in this discussion?

ME - The architect to provide a vision for the city, its development and design, must be prepared on the two scales. I think the architect is capable of synthesis, to develop forms in space, which makes a hypothesis on the city design.
The architect has an important role, but unfortunately not ready enough to embrace and understand all the factors that influence decision making. You have to understand how people behave, and understand that the city is a market where people make decisions individually to gain an advantage. It is a market with buildings, houses, commercial, office, is a functioning market, with demand for space and a given supply of real estate operators. You have to really understand how it works, because you can not go against the market. With our democracies and in our liberal society we have to follow the market and not against, because the market simply ignores you. But in order to guide the market is to really understand the socioeconomics of the country and how that relates to social behavior. If you do not have the vision nor the capacity to understand this has nothing to say, so decisions are made by other disciplines generally.
What happens today is that architects are marginalized urban design, and is in the hands of people from geography, economics, engineering, because really knows how to communicate or participate in making decisions that are ultimately political, because they have no argument . Few
Architects design quality also can handle the vast majority is outside the decision making level of government, because they have a distinct language, not using the right words and do not have a deep understanding of the problem.

IOI-In a country that has adopted a neoliberal orthodoxy, political parties do not differ much about economics, there are approaches that correspond to base an ideological basis that is not disputed. With respect to the city, it sometimes seems that it is necessary to go back and discuss issues that are taken for granted.

JLGO - This ideology seems to confront the practical that solve the problems with the idealists, that although they have very good principles, not know how to govern. Leaving this image, I move to another area, that of the sectoral discussion of different scales, different powers, different social groups. A plan that was able to draw the city of the future, would generate social processes to intercede in the decision-making and the taking of his unique voice to some sectors or policies. True, this lethargic decision-making, it is not ditching a four-year discussion, but if you grow multiparticipación, the multiscale, where the decisions are numerous, economic, strategic, spatial, sectoral. Not to mention ideology, but referring to the technical field. It is the fear of appearing complexities neoliberal ideology behind it.

IIO - As Norbert Lechner, the role of politics is to extend the limit as possible. Now it seems he understands that politics, understood as participation and discussion about the reality we choose collectively, hampers and limits further. Enriching these processes, but may be long, wide limits.

JLGO - Yes, space projects is to invent possible. Today, more than the emphasis on the feasibility on what can be done, polarized by the neoliberal discourse, it is opening new perspectives. What you can do is one thing, and what you can do if unleashed energy, inventing new processes that we have not displayed yet, it may be another. Historical-political terms, capitalism is a machine to create new niches of production in that sense uses space in an abusive, predatory, create niches for new consumption, it is a continuous search for new markets rapidly. The paradox, and this very well David Harvey notes, is how this construction of the space, once it is transformed into physical capital, also generates resistance. Ie, it leaves behind areas resistant to change, the own capital needs be creating new, but is destroying those already capitalized, so, for example, as now they are destroying schools. Then there are the contradictions in the capitalist system: it takes very short playing times, where financial capital is instant, but also needs organizational capital, knowledge economy both exalt the economists who need long times. The slow time of construction is important in urban design and architecture is, that capital that is embodied in constructions of space, is a locking mechanism of insturación slow turnaround time.

IIO - This idea is related with the concept that Francois Ascher used to refer to the project as a bargaining tool.

JLGO - Ascher also speaks of the importance of procedures. There is a plan that will draw and organize everything, the plan is one of the hundred tools and social space of a city like Santiago. Probably now there is a lack of agents of social organization, and therefore some destruction occurs. These fast-moving and long distance cutting obstacles, slow connections, breaking the contact between adjacent sites, caused by large artery arising just avoid organizations that put into question the decision perpetuating the system that marginalizes them. But I I think to go to any intermediate stops driving the two-dimensional problems in that long and short term, but also large-scale and • reduced scope, can be a pretty efficient way to address the spatial forms of social processes no one is in position to challenge as inadequate or as ideologically biased.
do you do from the situation we have now, what improvements can be made from this platform, where they can bury the highway. Just in wealthy neighborhoods?, It does not. Thousands of jobs on a huge city like this can not be solved with a brushstroke. ALEJANDRO GUTIERREZ

The fundamental issue of reconciling the short and long term is to have appropriate mechanisms that encourage such relationships. If you forget to measure and quantify the costs of operation of a project, obviously you're going to forget the long term. If you start to include those costs in an economic chain, will you remember the long term, and you'll start to see what are the advantages of doing things a certain way in the short term, that is when you make decisions . One of the key things when you make large-scale real estate projects, is to identify the operating costs of the project in the long term. It is increasingly being done, and increasingly in our place intending customer, it is the client he hopes to have those answers.
regard to local realities, we must generate R & D in Chile, to take their own knowledge about the region you are. It is also important mechanisms of environmental legislation requiring them to integrate. I believe that in Chile there are some powerful mechanisms at the level of environmental legislation, but not incorporated as usual aspects of the procedure, now you have Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Impact Statement, a legal framework that is conducive to solutions integrated, which are complex from the point of view of their application and therefore require a technical team, I think that in Chile there are such human capital with the proper knowledge, but the problem is that you have adapted to these new mechanisms have been proposed at the level of environmental planning, to integrate into the project environmental impacts it generates.
The issue of social equity is a central theme of sustainability. If you manage to take environmental sustainability, and are unable to have social sustainability, the truth is that your environmental sustainability will last very little. You should always try to take it and tackle both issues, but there is no chance of that time are continuing positively. For example, if you have a sustainable neighborhood green, from the environmental standpoint, but exclusive social point of view, people will live there will not be working there, and people who have to work there will not be able to live there, so it's going to have to move, and that's going to have to spend energy and here 15 years will take fossil fuels and thus emit emissions, which ultimately does not environmentally sustainable. In the end, the sustainability is an integrated suite. Environmental and social sustainability play a favor from the other, can not be isolated.

Original source:

Friday, June 26, 2009

Diagnose Palmar Erythema

About ideas and contingency of my thesis that

(Well, first of all say that hovering at such idea in his head should go buy an envelope and throwing pieces of paper to fill it once and for all and so on. This in order not to dilute the ideas and thoughts. )

According to a kilo of reflections, in short,
Now, say that:
These places, barren landscapes, which attempts to categorize (avoiding closed taxonomies) appear as anomalies in the city (according to their circumstances) and are timeless misplaced.

That the city reaches a very high level of complexity of its relentless product development and we somehow think, and deal with this rapidly changing reality.

That these landscapes, which arise from multiple processes (degeneration abandonment, exile in the process of reformulation, violent juxtaposition of large infrastructure, uncertainties and conurbations, etc.) are new opportunities for new perspectives.

That the incorporation of these opportunities to challenge new architectural language skills.

That face this scenario requires us to acquire a language not only technical but also economic and legal to responsibly incorporate us in the discussions that raise change.
That this participation is urgent as the city moves forward with little foresight by private and poor planning by the public (I mean the institutions, companies, etc).
That the city is moving forward in the process of an economic model that does not care for anyone but the thing is that with this we must assert our opinion on specific arguments by avoiding the theoretical arguments (they needed time to share views .)
That probably all happen at some point. I hope that soon, on my part.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lease Agreementfriend Sample

Shouts Walking

A 4 years after the death of International Assembly of the fire, the legacy of anger, anxiety and discomfort, seems to have taken refuge in the resistant mentally hundreds of fans who sound orphans, now wander lonely as a silent "hearts on fire" trying to reconcile the world. However, in the same memory of these faithful accomplices behind Assembly as an intellectual and existential imagination, beyond the limitations and cultural conventions of what was their gender.
why even talk about AIDF involves much more than talking about hardcore punk or post hardcore, is tell a story only in time, as an epitaph, engraved in the hearts and minds. And because we still talk about AIDF, and it also reminds recall that in four walls and the shouts of his followers Fabares were able to transform into real bombs, in noise, in communion, in the fire. And his music, awesome atmosphere, beyond the borders of its kind to connect with revolutionary height Brech, Orwell or our Rhoka Paul betrayed. Because the Assembly was able to destroy and transform the whole machinery in ruins around them, as a counter-guerrilla, revealing, and passionate.
Today it's been 4 years and consequently, their time and their existence, the Assembly has only made beautiful memories, survivors in our hearts. For this reason, these words I write, just come to be a posthumous tribute to a band that showed that doing hardcore (if this concept still makes sense) may be as close to poetry and politics of thought.

"I watched your sky, I realized that not falling. Among
saints, heroes and examples blessed.
There is no place for us, that dream
the world take us
seditious assault dreams, fire in our hearts.
fists. Fists, threading the fall
windmills. We are the fertile
within the wilderness, seditious dreams.
Hearts on fire. We are the wilderness into fertile
We candor, we track, fire, anger, tenderness.
Hearts on fire. "

In "Icarus, flying apology."

Monday, May 25, 2009

1st Death Anniv. What To Say

destroy machines, learn, to live / About the disappearance of the Citizen

"It appears that in recent years the walk has become a widespread practice of knowledge capable of guiding more and more different fields. A practice of knowledge outside the art world, a kind common zero grade geographers, architects, landscape architects, anthropologists, sociologists, choreographers, photographers, musicians, administrators, and political activists. Regarding the actions of the vanguard of the twenties and the seventies, now not walk more self-demonstrative way, to assert that walking is an art, this is already being widely recognized for the art system not only to report walking more experience in museums in the form of work or documentation of the file, you walk to enforce the experience to others . Who walks today it becomes increasingly alone and increasingly with others, to share with others, to find others.
So why this desire to explore the city and explore it? Guy Debord advised "to form many groups of two or three people together in one consciousness and the confrontation between these different views of these groups should be allowed to reach objective conclusions." Leaving aside the possibility or not, to reach objective conclusions

, I think Debord gives here a first major response: the formation of one or more groups can effectively blend the experiences and provide a shared and multiple representation. Along the way there are significant internal relations and fundamental fact, multiply the relations with the external. Multiply feet, eyes and ears, then the desires, deviations, meetings. In two words, multiply the interactions with the territory.
Now, walking with other people can overcome the fear and into more and more dark areas unexplored. The fear to learn, in the sense of increasing the self-consciousness and apprehension have an instinct that arouses fear in the comparisons of space and that drives you to quickly find a free moment on the network, an escape route, a response. It seems, increasingly, that to know the territory you need to go "wherever there is fear but where it also saves you," as Holderlin.
And there is a case then, that the places where they happen most of these hikes are on-off areas not frequented abandoned. Just drop one of the most popular subject, because it can reveal, for those who can read, the city's unconscious, unresolved problems, their skeletons in the closet. "

Francesco Careri, Architect, Situationist post, founder of Stalker. In Walking With
, Spam ARQ.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Does Cervical Mucous Look Like Before Period

Delusions of Wandering

are days when you leave your home, your hub function, your sealed unit, your institutional attachments and you loose on the street, you know - Privatization or at unless you try. So go for a walk, and wander and think and keep thinking and your head anything, everything is hyper as in the wonderful and almost infinite network, windows open mind and let everything be happening like in the movies, but this is yours As Artaud said needed a camera strapped to mind.
The sky looks gray but it is not, the stifling heat and cold also, the skin is somewhat resistant to environmental reality. In short, everything in the city seems more real than television, contradicts all the images of the street are not the same as those of television, here's poop smells. So much time studying and yet I rationalize it seems only a intellectual form of non-living things.

When I travel by attending numerous Santiago entropies I still capturing its dynamics through the static lens, want to spring up and out of balance. I am intrigued by these places, I somehow absorb. Lefebvre remember: "I enjoy my life between the center and periphery, I am simultaneously peripheral and central." Of what is, to enjoy the wander. I enjoy every moment, perhaps thinking too much and drawing little or writing shortly. That guilt haunts me. Several months ago
comes rolling in my head - in relation to this - the memory of of permanent vacation Jim Jarmusch. Perhaps because the powerful of the film, beyond the film role, is for me the cultural value of their character, their spiritual urban dimension. That wander wander, to collect, for roam, to make an imaginary outside the general imagination. It reminds me that we have not understood in my country that public space is something political and not a fetish of consumption device as the Mall So, performer all the time, all the time to act, react to each moment. We know so little about living without certain function, we have been enslaved by the programs and it is difficult to create. Perhaps the best understood Situationists and although they are dead, today seem increasingly force: through the street art, installation, and most of the criticism exercised.
Anyway, all this has led me to thinking lately that the academic view on the city is profoundly toxic. It's kind of behaviorism technocrat who makes you a chicken without a beak. Do not cut your tongue but you the trains. And this delusion of Reason Produces Monsters. Habermas was right even with their stubborn ideologies: In the public space battles are fought meaningless.
Even with all that I'm resisting hygienist strategy, perhaps because the city is wonderfully messy and chaotic and there you have your balance. For stronger However much effort to dominate and control structures, by the modern man, this will always fail, and disregard of nature. City Stage mutates as Ignasi Sola Morales said.

Friday, May 1, 2009

What If An 11 Year Old Materbates


Our duty is to err. Our duty is to be carried away by the insterticios of this great structure. Beyond the perpetuity of the static that surrounds our vision, we ants create networks where there have only containers. A wide desert
back and holds the path unknown. Follow this path without expecting to be received, be always a passenger without place. Farewell always, always temporary, as the relentless passage of time. Our duty is to err. Most also have a choice.
I found this place after so long, and its vastness is one that can find lost without return, without remembering. Everything is far away and so imminent at the same time as the sky ...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Kidde Fire Alarm Keeps Beeping


Then leave a text that I have guarded, written by Marc Augé would like to share with visitors.

overmodernity. From the world of tomorrow's world today. Marc Augé

depart, if you please, for the finding two paradoxes. The first concerns us all. We continually hear about globalization, standardization, homogenization up, and indeed the interdependence of markets, speed, faster every day, means of transport, the immediacy of communications by telephone, fax, email, speed of information and also in the cultural field, the pervasiveness of such images, or, in the ecological environment, call attention to the rising temperature of the earth and the ozone layer, we can give the impression that the planet has become our reference point in common.

This planetarization may, in the areas affected and the opinion of observers, seem like a good thing, a lesser evil or horror, but, anyway, a fact. For one thing, however, we multiply the demands of local identity forms and scales very different from each other: the smallest of our peoples light XVI century church and enhances their specialties (Thiers, the capital of cutlery, Janzé , the birthplace of chicken
large-ja) or regional languages \u200b\u200bregain its importance. In Europe and other parts of the world reborn nationalism or re-invent. Religious revivals are based on recovered or reconstructed past (the Mayan religion, movement of the Mexican Central America, the South Korean neoshamanism). Fundamentalism are generated, more or less force, within religions based on sacred texts. These claims of uniqueness to me-knots are ratio (antagonistic relationship) with the globalization of the market and perhaps witnessing today in Russia, Latin America or Asia
, phenomena that are not logical signs exclusive monetary , securities or money. Here again, opinions can differ, but for all, everyone can happily confirm that the world is definitely not the sign of consistency and also anxious to disorders and violence generated by the madness of identity. I
The second paradox is more personal. Or rather has to do with the discipline to which I belong. The anthropologists are specialists in societies traditionally distant and exotic to Western eyes, or specialists in the most archaic in modern societies. So therefore, we can legitimately ask whether they are best placed to study the complexities worldfor current research if your property is not shrinking, disappearing. I think not, I think even the opposite. It is perhaps paradoxical to substantiate the claim that I can help explain the paradox, which concerns us all, paradox of the contemporary world, while divided, unified, standardized and different wing again (and again these terms) and reenchanted disenchanted.

My main argument is that rapid changes in today's world (but also its slowness and its charges) are a challenge to the ethnological approach, but a challenge that did not take quite suddenly, for reasons that I should like briefly before reach the main topic of debate. The ethnographic method is not intended to end the individual (such as psychologists), or the community (such as sociologists), but the relationship that allows passing from one to another. Relationships (Kinship, economic relations, power relations) should be in a given cultural group, designed and operated. Conceivable because they have some evidence in the eyes of those who are recognized in the same community, in this sense are symbolic (say for example that the flag symbolizes the country, but only if it represents a number of individuals are recognized it or through it, if it
recognize the nexus that unites them: is that what is symbolic link). Manageable because they are embodied in institutions that run them (the family, the State, the Church and many others at different scales).
anthropological observation is always contextualized. The observation and study of a group only make sense in a given context and you can also discuss the relevance of a given context: leadership, kingdom, ethnic, cultural area, economic network, and so on. But today, even in the most isolated groups, the context, on balance, it is always global. That context is present in the consciousness of all, interferes everywhere uneven but sensitively with local settings, which modifies the conditions of observation
. Is the analysis of this change to which I invite you now. We can find, I believe, from three complementary movements:

• The passage of modernity to what I will call overmodernity.
• The passage of the places I will call non-places.
• The transition from real to virtual.

These three movements are not, strictly speaking, different from each other. But different vantage point, the first emphasizes the time, the second in space and the third in the image. Baudelaire, early in his Tableaux parisiens [Parisian Portraits] evokes Paris as an example of a modern city. The poet, leaning on your window looks "... the studio singing and chatting, Tubing, steeples, these masts of the city, and the big skies that make you dream of eternity."

tubes are factory chimneys.

Jean Starobinski noted that it is this accumulation, the addition of different temporalities that shapes the modernity of the place. This ideal of accumulation corresponds to a desire to write or to read the time in space: time does not erase the past that all the time present and time future is already shaping up. Benjamin, what we saw in the architecture of the Parisian passages, a foreshadowing of the twentieth century city. In summary, at large, the image space corresponds to a progression, an image of time as progress.
Max Weber, to evoke modernity, talk about the disenchantment of the world. Modernity in terms of disappointment can be defined by three characteristics: the disappearance of the origin myths of the founding myths of all belief systems that seek the meaning of this society in the past, the disappearance of all representations and beliefs , linked to the presence [prégnance] the past, made them dependent on the existence and even the definition of the individual from his environment, man of the Enlightenment is the individual owner himself, who cut his ties superstitious reason to gods, with the homeland, his family, the individual facing the future and refuses to interpret this in terms of magic and witchcraft. But modernity is also the emergence of new myths that are no more, this time, myths, myths of the past but the future, eschatological, social utopias of the future bring (the classless society, a promising future) the meaning of this.
This movement of substitution of the myths of the past for the future is discussed thoroughly by Vincent Descombes-mind in his book Philosophie par gros temps (1984). Here
progress conceived as, say, until the fifties, the design clearly supported by the conquests of science and technology and in the western world, by the certainty that the end of World War II the forces of good had triumphed definitely the forces of evil.
But this idea of \u200b\u200bprogress, directly arising from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, decomposes in the second half of the twentieth century. The evidence of history and today's disappointments come to what might be termed a second disappointment of the world, that manifests itself in three versions at the same time contrasting and complementary.

In the first version, we find that the myths of the future, they too, were illusions. The political failure, economic and moral communist countries allowed a retrospective reading and pessimistic century history and discredits theories which attempt to extrapolate the future. The philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard referred the subject as the "end of grand narratives."
The second version is more triumphant. Corresponds to the first term of the paradox that evoked at the beginning. Is the theme of "global village" as the term of Macluhan, a global village crossed by the same economic network where people speak the same language, English, and within which people communicate easily thanks to the development of technology. More recently, this topic got a political translation with the notion of "end of history" developed by the American Fukuyama. This does not hold, of course, that the history of events is finished, or that all countries have reached the same status development, but says the agreement is generally about the formula that associates the market economy and representative democracy for the greater good of humanity. This combination is presented in a way as unquestionable, and if you mark the end of history, to Fukuyama, it is because he identifies the history to what is traditionally called history of ideas.
Without discussing the philosophy that supports this theory, we nevertheless find that since its first formulation, condemned to think about the actual history of much of the world as signs of emergency or delay. In cultural terms, the current American anthropologists have drawn attention to contrary postmodernist today we are witnessing a remarkable cultural multiplicity of claims, the deployment of a true global patchwork in which each piece is occupied by an ethnic group or a specific group. And indeed, in America, only to make reference to it, the claims of the Amerindian populations, often in great poverty, they go through the affirmation of their own culture and their own history, even if of Chiapas and many other parts of Central and South America, when they go, episodically or continuously, to gun violence.
called postmodern anthropology proposes an ideology of fragmentation (the world is diverse and not There is more to say.) Undoubtedly underestimates the stereotypes that play down the uniqueness of particular cultural demands and their integration into the global community (Chiapas is known today by world public opinion as their animator, Subcomandante Marcos, dominates the use of media and cyberspace).
postmodern anthropology has at least the merit of showing, in the cultural sphere, the limits of theories of standardization. But to stay only at the cultural level, perhaps unduly separated from the rest, neglected all political manipulation, all the oppressions that are fundamentalist or other in its way a rejection of liberal global village, and, moreover, also claims a certain end of the story: the end, the fragmentation within the cultural polyphony, the movement that gave meaning, direction, to this story.
standardization theorists, such as the postmodern polyphony, take note of facts but do evil, I think, in submitting its analysis under the sign of the end or death to the story, for some, so the modernity, for others, so for all ideologies. Perhaps
backwards, and today we suffer from an excess of modernity, more accurately, and to disregard any opinion of value, perhaps can be induced to think that the paradox of the contemporary world is no sign of an end or a blur, but a multiplication and acceleration of the constitutive factors of modernity, a sense of overdetermination in Freud, and then Althusser's it, a term used to describe the effects unpredictable and difficult to analyze a plethora of causes.

The notion of supermodernity

Neologism for neologism, for my part I will propose the term of supermodernity to try to think together the two terms of our initial paradox, the coexistence of uniform flows and individuals. The situation overmodernity expands and diversifies the movement of modernity is a sign of a logic of excess and, for one, would be tempted to measured from three excesses: too much information, pictures
excess and excessive individualism otherwise, each of these excesses is connected to the other two. Too much information
gives us the feeling that history is accelerating. Every day we are informed of what's happening in the four corners of the world. Naturally this information is always partial and possibly biased, but alongside the evidence that a distant event can have consequences for us, every day reinforces the sense of be within history, or more accurately, keep it hot on our heels, to return to be achieved by it during the news of the eight or during the morning news.
The corollary to this overabundance of information is clearly our ability to forget, no doubt necessary for our health and to avoid saturation effects that even the computers available, but that results in a syncopated rhythm to the story. Such an event that had drawn our attention for a few days, suddenly disappears from our screens, after our memories, until the day he suddenly reappeared for reasons that escape us a bit and that we are quickly exposed. A number of events thus has a presence ecliptic, forgotten, familiar and surprising at the same time as the Gulf War, the Irish crisis, the attacks in the Basque country or the massacres in Algeria. Do not really know where to go, but we're going and growing fast.
speed transportation and development of communication technologies provide us with the feeling that the world is shrinking. The emergence of cyberspace makes a priority of time over space. We are in the age of immediacy and the instantaneous. The communication takes place at the speed of light. So, our time domain reduces our space. Our "small world" just enough for the expansion of large economic enterprises, and the planet becomes relatively natural in defiance of all attempts
The planner and philosopher Paul Virilio, in many of his books, he was concerned about the threats that could weigh on democracy, because of the ubiquity and immediacy with which characterizes cyberspace. He suggests that some major international cities, some large companies interconnected soon, may decide the future of the world. Without necessarily lead to pessimism so far, we can be sensitive to the fact that in the political arena also local events are presented each seen as "internal" competition that eventually the "right of interference." Clearly, the close-up of the planet (due to the development of transport, communications and space industry) becomes ever more credible (and more powerful eyes more seductive) idea of \u200b\u200ba world government . Diplomatic World commented last month, under the pen of a highly critical of an American professor at the University of San Diego, the outlook for the next century, drawn by David Rothkopf, a consulting cabinet director of Henry Kissinger. David Rothkopf's words in the journal Foreign Policy speak for themselves:
"Compete the economic and political interests of the United States the monitor if the world chooses a single language, it is English, that if it is oriented towards common standards about communication, safety or quality, are under American standards, that if the different parts come together through television, radio and music programs are Americans, and that if common values \u200b\u200bare made, these are values \u200b\u200bin which Americans recognize.
In fact, there nothing special here since no imperial temptations of today or even yesterday, but the remarkable fact is that the global domain is now thought that the media are his main weapon.
Now the third term by which we can define overmodernity passive individualization is very different from the individualism of the modern ideal Conqueror: individualization of consumers whose appearance has to do no doubt with the development of media communication. Durkheim, early in this century and the weakening lamented what he called the "intermediary bodies", collectively as mediating institutions and creating what we call today the "social nexus" such as school, unions, family, etc.. An observation of the same type could be made more strongly today, but we could certainly point out that the media are replacing the institutional mediations.
The relationship with the media can generate a form of passivity to the extent that individuals routinely exposed to the spectacle of a present that is missed, a form of loneliness in so far as navigation invites lonely in which all telecommunications abstracts the relationship with the other, replacing the sound or image, body to body and face to face, in short, a form of illusion to the extent that at the discretion of each of the elaborate points of view, opinions in general rather induced, but
perceived as personal.
Of course, I am describing here a fatality, an inescapable rule, but a number of risks, temptations and even trends. Long ago, the press wrote about some of the Japanese youth, which, through the media, reached the absolute isolation. Depoliticized, poorly informed about the history of Japan, naturally opposed to the atomic bomb and tempted to flee in the virtual world, the otaku (this is how they call them) stay at home between your TV, your videos and computers, dedicated a monomaniacal passion with relentless background music. A well informed American report recently released feeling of loneliness that pervades most of the Internet.
As for the identification of destinations and routes, and the illusion of individual choice that sometimes accompanies it, they develop from the time they weaken the cosmologies, ideologies and intellectual obligations with that are linked: the ideological market equates to a selfservice then, in which each individual can be provisioned with spare parts to assemble your own cosmology and have a sense of thinking for himself.
passivity, isolation and identification are found again in the expansion also know certain movements supposedly religious develop individual meditation, or even in certain sectarian movements.
Significantly, I think, the sects can be defined by its double failure of socialization: a break with the society within which they are (which is sufficient to distinguish them from other religious movements), also fail when creating an internal socialization since the accession fascinated by a guru and replaces it often proves unable to ensure long term in the meeting of some individuals or rather the aggregation that takes the appearance of meeting a minimum of cohesion. Collective suicide, from this perspective, it is expected
output: the individual who rejects the social nexus, the relationship with the other, and is symbolically dead. Non-

places I now announced the second movement, parallel to the first step of
places non-places. For anthropology, the place is an area heavily symbolized, ie, a space in which we read in part or in whole identity of
who occupy, their relations and the history they share. We all have a idea, an intuition or a memory of the place understood in this way. It is, for example, the memory of the village where we spent family holidays and also a literary memory. I think Combray (Combray-Iliers) Proust and the knowledge that Francoise, the servant of the family of the narrator, has all its inhabitants, after close observation of the spaces assigned to virtually everyone in the village area, and even in church, she
gives meaning to the slightest movement of either. The place, in this sense, to use an expression of the philosopher Vincent Descombes in his book on Proust, is also a "rhetorical territory", ie a place where every one recognizes the other's language, even in the silences : in which we understand to mean words. It is, in short, a world of recognition, where everyone knows your site and the other, a set spatial reference points, social and historical, all recognized in them have something in common, share something, regardless of the inequality of their situations. Life, individual life, is not necessarily easy in such a place, it makes sense but not free, so it is conceivable that in different countries and at different times of the transition from village to city has been experienced as a release. Anthropologists studied
such places. "Since the emergence of language, wrote LS, it took the universe mean." It took, in other words, to recognize in the universe before knowing something, sort and symbolize the space and time to dominate human relationships. Parenthetically, despite the fantastic progress of science, this dialogue between sense and knowledge, between symbolism and knowledge is not about to disappear, because the relationships between humans can not depend entirely on the science or knowledge. Thus, the
anthropologists studied in traditional societies that call, how identity, social relations and history are inscribed in space.
in Africa and Asia, Oceania or America, nor the distribution of villages and residence patterns, nor the boundaries between sacred and profane are left to chance. We are not born anywhere, not live anywhere (and have invented words of wisdom to refer to the home residence of the father, mother, uncle, husband or wife: patrilocality, matrilocality, avuncolocalidad, virilocality or uxorilocality). Even nomads have a very coded space. Thus, the Tuaregs are not only naturally fixed and designated routes but also in each of his stops
, tents are distributed in a particular order. This concern with making sense of space in social terms may also apply to the house. Jean-Pierre Vernant has reminded us that the Greeks of classical times differed home, home center and seat female Hestia, Hermes space threshold, male zone and outward. The body itself in some cultures is considered as a receptacle of some ancestral presences
and divided (the case in certain cultures of Southern Togo and Benin) in areas subject to special cures or specific offerings. Thus, in defining the site as a place where you can see the identity, relationships and history, I have termed non-places to the places where this reading was not possible. These spaces, more and more numerous, are:

· The circulation spaces: roads, service areas at gas stations, airports
, airways ...
· The spaces of consumption, super and hypermarkets, hotel chains
· The spaces communication: screens, cables, wave-like
sometimes intangible.

We think, at least in a first level of analysis, these new spaces are not places where social relationships are entered last. It would, for example, very difficult to analyze in Durkheimian terms of a waiting area at Roissy: exceptions, fortunately always possible, individuals move not related, or to negotiate anything but obey a number of guidelines and codes to guide them, each on his side. In
Highway, I only see the profile impassively ahead, a look parallel, and then when I have it before the little red flash lit almost without thinking.
These non-places are juxtaposed, is fit and so tend to look: the airports are like supermarkets, watch television on airplanes, listen to the news by filling the tank of our car at gas stations that seem increasingly more, also supermarkets. My credit card gives me points I can make airline tickets, etc.. In the solitude of the non-places for a moment I can feel liberated from the weight of the relationship, if you have forgotten your mobile phone. This bracket has a
perfume of innocence (in French can play with the word "non-places"), but
can not imagine that extend beyond a few hours. The black version of the non-places would be the transit areas where we all eternity, refugee camps, all these fields of fortune who receive humanitarian assistance, and where an attempt to restore the sites.
Non-places, then, are empirical existence and some geographers, demographers, planners or architects describe the current and raising urban extension spaces, if retained the proposed definition, are real non-places. Hervé Le Bras, in his book planète au village [The planet in the village], emphasizes that we live in an era of highly developed urban sprawl popping the limits of the old city: a more or less disorganized tissue unfolds along the lines of communication, of rivers and coastlines.
speaks in this context of "urban filaments" and takes the example of the urban network that extends without interruption from Manchester to the Po plain and geographers which they named "blue banana" to describe the peculiar dispersion seen in the photographs taken at night by the satellites. Augustin Berque, in his book Du geste à la cité [From gesture to the city], demonstrated how the city of To-kyo lost its registration in the scenery while also disappeared inside their places of sociability. Until recently, one of the elements of great landscape
(Mount Fuji or the sea) is always seen from any street. But the construction of large buildings abolished these views. On the other hand, the last alleys or dead ends created meeting places for exchange and discussions, about the workshops and stores, disappeared under the effect of that transformation. The architect Rem Koolhaas
proposed the expression "generic city" to describe the uniform of the cities that are everywhere today on the planet. The generic city, he writes, "is what remains after a vast canvas of urban life have gone through cyberspace. A place where strong feelings are dull and diffuse, rarefied emotions, a discreet and mysterious as a vast space lit by a bedside lamp. " He adds: "... the airport is now one of the elements that characterized most distinctively to the Generic City [...] It is, moreover, an imperative, because the airport is more or less everything a average individual has the opportunity to hear the [...] most cities the airport is a condensate at a time of hyper-and what hipermundial: hipermundial because proposed goods and are not in the city, hyper because it provides products that do not exist anywhere else. "

is necessary to clarify the opposition between duty and non-places is on. varies according to the present, the functions and applications. As the times: a this-gave a historical monument, a park, some neighborhoods of Paris do not have the same outlook, or the very meaning of the day or night, opening hours and when they are almost deserts. Obviously. But we also note that the spaces built for a specific purpose may see their roles changed or adapted. Some large shopping centers in urban peripheries, for example, have become meeting places for young people who have been attracted, no doubt, by the types of products that can be seen (television, computers, etc., which are a means to access the vast world today), but further , driven by force of habit and the need to fall back into a place where recognized. Finally, it is clear that the use is also what makes the place or non-place: the passing traveler does not have the same relationship with the space of airport employee who works there every day, he meets his colleagues
it passes an important part of your life.
The definition of space is therefore a function of those who live there. In a thesis that led to a book, Coeur de Banlieue [Heart suburb], one of my former students described how Courneuve, in the city of 4000, the youngest (10 to 16 years) were bands that appropriated the territory of the city, eventually defended against other bands and enforced the new members of initiation rites that were always related to the domain playful and symbolic place. In this case we should speak rather of superlocalización. On television, live, until we saw before the show adults mourn the collapse of the "bars" (large buildings suburbs), in which they lived. While these large groups of housing might seem appalling to foreign observers, others had been, somehow or other, a place of life.
The superlocalización can be linked to phenomena of exclusion or marginalization. We know that youth of the suburbs "rush" on Paris on Saturday night, and more specifically to certain neighborhoods ¾ la Bastille, Le Forum des Halles, Les Champs Elysées, which certainly seem to condense the quintessential "show "urban and where they have the opportunity to see and possibly experience the devices that provide access to the world of information and the image. Perhaps today we see the shop windows of television and computers as we were before, in my Breton village on the shores of the sea to dream and travel items. The "off-site" of a city, the capital, which are captured by definition only your reflexes, would be the counterpart of "super-site" of the metropolis. Speaking of space
we are naturally led to speak of the eye, not to be identified, in this regard, a danger, a risk. All superlocalización carries the danger of ignoring the others, immediately outside of desimbolizar, in this sense, social relations, and, indeed, to obviate having only accessible through images, even dreamed or fantasized world. Staying away from this risk only to our suburbs, I think that is the risk of all to varying degrees. But the emergence in some continents of gated, private
to cities, and in all major world cities overprotected buildings with electronic drawbridges, shows that for many, what we call planetarization corresponds to a contradictory attempt, and in some ways a bit ridiculous, to reconcile the withdrawal of the body away from narrow borders and wandering of the gaze through the images of the world or the world of images: is not, after all, the attitude of who sleeps in the crook of his bed to dream with his experiences the day before?.

From the real to virtual

Met here, I think, the focal point of our subject. Beyond our questions as to the changes of time and space, it is the relationship we have with reality, conceived itself as problematic as we dare to discuss the transition from real to virtual.
first two points:
The term "virtual" is used today in an unclear manner. Called virtual images are not as images. For this reason, they are eminently present, and some facts that represent are also present also. On the contrary, all the fictions which give way, all the "worlds" that represent (as in video games) are not necessarily "virtual" if you have no chance, no chance to be "present" or conducted, until they are realities "in power" (think here in the definition of Littré. Virtual: "That it is only potential and no actual effect.") Instead, what is virtual, and could be a threat, is the effect of absolute fascination, reciprocal return the image to look and look to the image that the development of imaging technologies can generate.
At this point, a second precision may be necessary. I have no intention of lecturing against the image and communication technologies (this does not make sense). Emphasize the dangers of alienation progressive technology, the confusions induced by the weight of laziness and habit, try to recognize the force and effect of the illusion, it is well to remember that the image, however sophisticated it may being, only an image, ie a-gave me an illustration, sometimes for exploration, communication often or too distracting. Marx said that relations with nature ultimately correspond to relations between men, we could more obviously the more so, say the same for relations with the images.
I would then rattle off all the ambiguities of our relationship with the image before suggesting under what conditions can not be an obstacle to self-construction of our individual and collective identities.
For-it is here, I think, lies the central challenge of our future. The image received or perceived, especially that our television broadcast, has several characteristics.
· Similarly events: millions of dead in Afghanistan, another failure of the Paris Saint-Germain.
· Similarly people: political figures, stars entertainment, sport and of television itself, but also the other dolls and puppets that stick to the skin of that caricature, or even fictional characters in some soap operas that seem more real than the actors. This equalization is not innocent as far as drawing the contours of a new Olympus, close but inaccessible like a mirage in which we recognize the heroes and gods without really knowing them.
· It makes uncertain the distinction between reality and fiction. The events are designed and staged to be seen on television. What we saw in the Gulf War had the appearance of a video game. The landing in Somalia was made when announced, like any other show in front of hundreds of journalists. If the international political life today, often has aspects of "soap opera" is certainly first and foremost, because it must be brought to the screen, for many reasons, which involved both the tactical calculations of the actors and the expectations or customs of the spectators.
Mediations and policies are subject to the exercise media. Some see on TV today the equivalent of the Greek agora, but may underestimate the passivity that leads to the definition of the citizen as a spectator.
Another deleterious effect of the strong presence [prégnance] of image, might well be equated with that of other drugs the way light, we call addiction. Addiction to isolate the individual image and offers drills neighbor. More'm in the picture, unless I invest in trading activity with the neighbor that is on reciprocity, constituting my identity. The symbolic relationship of the talking at first, and that in all societies is both object and challenge of ritual activity, involves this dual activity
recognition of others and self-reconstruction.
The images in this highly social activity, can have a decisive role as a mediator, so he used in enterprises of conquest and colonization whose history gives us many examples. So the mendicant orders, and then the Jesuits to convert the Indians of Mexico began to change their images, an Aztec tradition rich in this area by the Christian and Castilian Baroque. This "war of images" to take the title of the book of specialist in the history of Mexico Serge Gruzinski lasted centuries and even today is not quite finished when the last few years the American-born Protestant evangelism starts, but not success, to eliminate any reference to the Catholic or pagan images, and leads, with less noise, a new war of religion that extends to every continent, especially with overlapping screens, because, while denouncing the Catholic imagery or pagan fetishes, evangelists and do not hate the show, and the display.
The new fact today, and here lies the problem, is that often the image no longer represents a mediating role with the other, but they identify with it. The screen is not a mediator between me and presented me. Do not believe reciprocity between them and me. I see them but they do not see me. This mediation naturally may exist elsewhere, I can have a family bond, political, intellectual and friendly that I see on the screen. The trouble begins when the drill installed, when the fiction serves as real, when everything happens as if there were no other reality than the image.
However, this phenomenon of substitution of reality by the image, which was initially supposed to represent or illustrate it, is widespread today, and take, finally, an example of this is not strictly either directly or political or media. The world is run today by population flows are essentially in opposite directions: the immigrants who made their economic difficulties precipitated a Western world that tend to mystify, tourists, with an eye glued to their cameras and dazzled, travel the country often are those from where the immigrants. It is true that, traveling the world, photograph and film, found essentially in our travels, as in the famous English hostel, which we ourselves had been there: images and dreams.
Not long ago, Disney Corporation won a competition organized by the municipality and the State of New York for the construction of a hostel, a shopping and entertainment center in Times Square and the redevelopment of the neighborhood. What stands in the project of the architects of Disney is installing the world of Superman, with its chaotic architecture and traversed by galactic rays, in the heart of the city as normal component of it. Some journalists
noted that the new Times Square was faithful to the aesthetics of the leisure facilities already installed in the United States. Outside the sophisticated debates about the meaning of the work, the Disney effect is serious and constitutes self-reference for the future. Ripples and the curl: a state in which fiction was nurtured by the imaginary transformation of reality, we have moved to a state in which it strives to replicate real fiction. Under this deluge of images, is there still room for imagination
must be concluded, and perhaps refine or correct, the feeling of pessimism a bit distant it may be seen in my words. I do not feel itself, not distant nor pessimistic, I would like to convince them to make two comments and telling a story.
The first observation is that the real sociology, or if you prefer, the Royal Society, is more complex than the models that attempt to account for it. Let's say in concrete reality, the evidence in support or direct the development of interpretative models are not excluded but is superimposed.
In reality, as we can see particular disenchantment of the world never was, never was man's death, so great stories or end of the story, but there were changes, inflections, changes and new ideas, reflections while and other changes. Not to be confused the history of ideas or techniques to the story, period. We are assured: the story continues.
Perhaps even, in a sense (if we pay attention to the fact that from now on the horizon is the planet as a whole), we anticipate that it is only now beginning, which only now comes out of prehistory. If the reality of today is often the appearance of a show, a
movie or show, if we have the feeling that the extension of anonymity spaces, spaces of the image and communication, history condemns many human loneliness, and the globalization of the economy also many (often the same) exclusion. However, we can certainly take a lesson fruit of authorizing, I think, the anthropological experience: the individual alone is unthinkable and impossible existence. With few exceptions, humans will not be lost in the blink of the media. And whether it confirms the sense of symbolic deficit of social weakness that grips us sometimes (but ...), Durkheim can be sure that a symbolic and social recomposition be operated by multiple routes and invisible. Yes, for better and less good, the story continues.
No doubt the history of tomorrow, as today's, will be covered by a double voltage between sense and science on the one hand, solitude and solidarity, on the other. Science, contrary to the myth and ideology, has nothing to reassure us:
moving forward the frontiers of the unknown, and it is clear that today to find Pascal resurrects dizziness in the privacy of the individual the sum of its determinants ( we are mapping the human genome), just in time in which astrophysics repaints the idea of \u200b\u200bthe infinitely large.
We are only at the time of totemism and elemental symbols in the time where nature provides a language easily to the organization of men. But you have to live, followed by growing our garden, "as Voltaire, and that address the need for social, everyday thinking on a human scale, ie somewhere between the individual and the infinite: no social rework.
's history now forward (and unprecedented) will be consciously perceived as the planet Earth as a tiny element among a host of other systems. But for this very reason, adventure, tomorrow, will remain an adventure identity: the relationship between them will be even more challenging.
Some time ago I was lucky enough to deal a lot with a group of Indians yaruropumé on the border of Venezuela and Colombia. Isolated, almost no resources, it held Indian-ing almost every night ceremony, Tohe, during which the shaman travels to the home dreaming of the gods. Morning travel account, which often have a concrete goal (ask the opinion of a god, recover stolen the soul of a man or a woman ill, news of the dead), and describes the land of the gods.
This country is a quiet town where cars circulate among altasconstrucciones lit. At crossroads, food and drinks are delivered at their discretion. Overall, this world of gods is a magnified image of Caracas where they Pume never been, but which have collected some pictures or some questioning echoes visitors or browsing journals found. Thus, our cities have invaded the imagination of these Indians. But are city of dreams, in two senses. In reality, when some of these Pume leave their camp, stop at the gates of the city, in the slums where the TVs are proposed, all the time, substitute the pictures of your dreams, fictions abandoned by their gods. The dream and reality are degraded jointly. Cities of dreams
Indians are not more real than the Indians of Western dreams and together they vanish. But this double misunderstanding demonstrates, in its way, that we have become all
(tragically, unevenly, but inevitably) contemporaries. It is the story of this contemporary, rich in hope and full of contradictions, which begins today.