The city is probably a more complex structures created by man.
According to a letter of Wu Ming (The time of the Metropolis is finished), science fiction only represents the daily horror of the city, in a time when the modern era of man as a fantasy machine, has been overshadowed by reality overmodernity (or postmodern).
"If the ancient city was parasitic energy of the surrounding countryside, contemporary urban areas are actually parasites of the entire planet: the consumption of energy in lifestyle imposed by the metropolis can not be sustained much longer. The urban areas depend on for all resources of remote territories. A city of one million devours two million kilos of food per day while producing no really, nothing. The Sears building in Chicago has 130 kilometers of cable Lift and consumes more electricity than a medium sized city. There is no metropolis in the future Final of man or the world. "Wu Ming 5 -----------------------------------
theory Lyotard on the order of stories is a half truth. A half because the ideologies are not dead, but as historical energies have been transformed, reformulated, misrepresented. This distortion is a change of form, not substance, assuming the bottom is the consensus that now governs capitalist world economic development. In this sense, Lyotard's assertiveness is its assumption that this change of shape, reveals a new ruling ideology, from which any thought possible (the best example is "Chinese Communism") while the curtain remains the same. Here is his cultural historical stage "postmodern."
This triumph of capitalism as an end to the stories of utopias and revolutionary fantasies, however, reveals, or terminates, a new ideology: the global neo-liberalization and cultural confirmation of the death of modern ideals. The super man nitzscheano (Zarathustra laments) probably gave its final step to the last man.
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cities are a reflection of man, the germ of control, and therefore development of civilization. Cities are the mirror of their actions, their sins and its benefits, its vices and virtues, their courage and disease. Today's cities are full of spectacular fractal human life, produced by a hand observer and dynamics around a single activity: consumption.
When Wu ming said that the cities have maintained their standard anti parasite development, argues therefore conclude that such structures have evolved from a fatal form for self-preservation of the human race. But this evolution has been calculated.
Current capitalism in the City has seen its perfect creation, crystallization fluctuating dynamic equilibrium, its geographic heart. Is this the macro maze of Skinner, where man's precious to "free" is to eat to survive and continue to feed the system?.
The simulation model is how the City? as a labyrinth, as market analysis, the culmination of an accepted and agreed to live. The urban area expands, and continues to consume rural land and agricultural TO DEVELOP indefinitely. A German
inevitably consume more energy than an African citizen, even though Germany is one of the leading countries in sustainable technologies. And here's the point. The Dilemma of dwelling Man City Polis on the matrix is \u200b\u200bnot resolved with advanced technologies, has to do with the way we live, say conditioned habit. According to Von Bertalanfy
behavioral psychology to modern man provided the perfect conditions to satisfy the capitalists. What tamed and conditions under an operating mechanism and specific small-eating, work and death. And just psychology (hu) rbana experience in a cryptic maze: The city.
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