A 4 years after the death of International Assembly of the fire, the legacy of anger, anxiety and discomfort, seems to have taken refuge in the resistant mentally hundreds of fans who sound orphans, now wander lonely as a silent "hearts on fire" trying to reconcile the world. However, in the same memory of these faithful accomplices behind Assembly as an intellectual and existential imagination, beyond the limitations and cultural conventions of what was their gender.
why even talk about AIDF involves much more than talking about hardcore punk or post hardcore, is tell a story only in time, as an epitaph, engraved in the hearts and minds. And because we still talk about AIDF, and it also reminds recall that in four walls and the shouts of his followers Fabares were able to transform into real bombs, in noise, in communion, in the fire. And his music, awesome atmosphere, beyond the borders of its kind to connect with revolutionary height Brech, Orwell or our Rhoka Paul betrayed. Because the Assembly was able to destroy and transform the whole machinery in ruins around them, as a counter-guerrilla, revealing, and passionate.
Today it's been 4 years and consequently, their time and their existence, the Assembly has only made beautiful memories, survivors in our hearts. For this reason, these words I write, just come to be a posthumous tribute to a band that showed that doing hardcore (if this concept still makes sense) may be as close to poetry and politics of thought.
Today it's been 4 years and consequently, their time and their existence, the Assembly has only made beautiful memories, survivors in our hearts. For this reason, these words I write, just come to be a posthumous tribute to a band that showed that doing hardcore (if this concept still makes sense) may be as close to poetry and politics of thought.
"I watched your sky, I realized that not falling. Among
saints, heroes and examples blessed.
There is no place for us, that dream
the world take us
seditious assault dreams, fire in our hearts.
fists. Fists, threading the fall
windmills. We are the fertile
within the wilderness, seditious dreams.
Hearts on fire. We are the wilderness into fertile
We candor, we track, fire, anger, tenderness.
Hearts on fire. "
In "Icarus, flying apology."
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