Monday, February 28, 2011

How Do You Make Luna Lovegood's Lion Hat?

Thought Nomad, surviving machines. Sustainability and Complexity

" The Nomad, with its war machine, is opposed to the despot with his administrative machine, the unit extrinsic nomadic opposes the intrinsic despotic unit. And yet, are phenomena as correlative and attuned to the problem of the despot is how to integrate, how to internalize the nomadic war machine, and the nomad how to invent a conquered empire management. In the same paragraph in which confused, no longer resist. The philosophical discourse of imperial unity was born through many vicissitudes, the same formations leading from the imperial to the Greek city. And even in the Greek city philosophical discourse maintains an essential relation to the despot or his shadow, with imperialism, with the administration of things and people (there are all sorts of evidence of this in the book by Leo Strauss and Kojève over tyranny.) Philosophical discourse has always been in an essential relation to the law, the institution and the contract that are the problem of the Sovereign, and through the history sedentary formations ranging from despotic to democratic ones. The "signifier" is actually the last avatar philosophical despot. If Nietzsche is separated from the philosophy is perhaps because it is the first to conceive any other mode contrafilosofía speech. That is, a speech to all homeless, whose statements would not be products of a rational administrative machine, with philosophers like bureaucrats of pure reason, but a war machine moving. Perhaps this is the sense in which Nietzsche announces that he begins a new policy (which Klossowski has called the plot against the class itself). We know well that in our schemes, the nomads have no place, not sparing means to regulate, and barely surviving. Nietzsche lived like one of those nomadic reduced to nothing more than his shadow, pension board. But on the other hand, the nomad is not necessarily someone who moves: there are still travel, travel in intensity, and even historically nomadic migrants do not move as they are, conversely, those who do not move, the nomadized is to stay in the same site and escape codes. We know that the revolutionary problem today is to find a point unit struggles to rebuild not despotic or bureaucratic organization of the party or state apparatus: a war machine that would refer to a state apparatus, a nomadic unit in relation to the outside, not be subject to internal despotic unit. This is perhaps the deepest of Nietzsche, the measure of their rupture with philosophy as it appears in the aphorism of thought have made a war machine, a nomadic power. And even if the trip is still, even if done without leaving the place, even imperceptible, unexpected underground we must ask: Who are today's nomadic? Who are our true Nietzschean today? "Gilles Deleuze

We have become nomads, I think, sitting or walking somewhere in this search lonely and restless, to understand, to escape, to survive, fight conditioning. As part of a race that honors rootless and despatriado, constantly searching, getaway. Is there a potential livelihood beyond our jealous thought?

50th Birthday Wording For Pay For You Meal


liars The joke at the moment so far this carnival has been obtained the following awards:


ahhhhhhhh and the girl in the photo comes to us .......... cough laos giving away a dinner with her at the end of the carnival on to anyone who applaud us ENNNNNN Sweat Sweat

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Myoma Uteri Pathophysiology

On Notice and Press Release from the Hon Dr. Maria Melendez Altieri of his aspiration to the presidency of DISUR

Dear Members and Members of DISUR: As you know, on Monday 28 February 2011, at 9:00 am, and in the Conference Room of Academic Affairs at the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce, will be out the Annual Meeting of Members and Regular Members.
This meeting is of particular importance because it will be chosen and will constitute the Board of Directors 2011-2013.
As you may be aware, I have the aspiration to chair the Board of Diretor of DISUR. gain support for this important role, and working with the regulations and protocols in place to make DISUR an agile, service to members and members with a relevant role in our Southern Region, I will focus with all sectors, promote five main pillars of development: 1. Economic empowerment DISUR and phasing out reliance on funds provided by the municipalities; 2. Strengthening the academic and intellectual leaders of innovation and development of knowledge economy to capitalize and generate income equitably distributed among the various social components; 3. Agglutination of private and community sector for the purpose of strengthening the "cluster" or existing business conglomerates in the Southern Region, so as to articulate to a smart strategy of socioeconomic development and validation. These "clusters" are the logistics and transportation to the Port of the Americas Airport Mercedita and Southern Rail and agribusiness, health and tourism;
4. Propel the beginning of exports and imports through the Port of the Americas by consolidating the current container traffic in the area southwest to opening of the mega port operations. With the effort of all components of DISUR, this could be the basis for the initiation of new shipping routes that may allow the development of value-added areas that will bring well-paying jobs throughout the Southern Region. 5. Pursuing the union of social forces and regional policies for the generation of strategic consensus and influence and lobby central government for a more equitable distribution of state investment in the Southern Region.
Please confirm your participation at the meeting by calling (787) 284-8424. The wait for everyone! Sincerely, Emmanuelli Rolando Jiménez - My iPad. Location: Calle Maravilla, Ponce, Puerto Rico

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Security Clearance Denied 2010

The Importance and Relevance of DISUR

Policing Social Control and The Anti-Globalization Movement By: Emmanuelli Rolando Jimenez JD, LL.M.
February 17, 2011
Museum of the History of Ponce
Sponsored by the Athenaeum Inter Ponce and Luis A. Ponce

Fernandez, is assistant professor at the University of Northern Arizona. His book was published in 2008 and reprinted in 2009 by the prestigious publishing Rutgers University Press. Professor

. My most sincere compliments.

The aim of the book by Luis A. Fernandez is a study in depth the mechanisms of repression of dissent from the anti-globalization movement that he calls "social control of dissent, for the variety of strategies in the use of force. Mechanisms of control groups in three areas that almost concentric circles intersect: Control Physical, Psychological and Legal.

The author reviews the look and metaphor of Michel Foucault, the great French philosopher, about the fact that the state and global supranational organizations like the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organization, consider these movements such as leprosy, plague, to be controlled at all costs by fear, isolation, aparcelamiento and violence, so as not to disseminate pernicious for the rest of society and nations.

The author begins with the indisputable premise that the corporate forces of globalization, through the creation of supranational and global institutions increasingly powerful, direct to the States in the use of repressive mechanisms to keep people defeat the selfish and corrupt interests of unbridled capitalism and global.

When you study a work of this nature written in the United States is essential to analyze what is the relevance of this effort to Puerto Rico, particularly when it comes to a text that illustrates the anti-globalization movement, which has been very active in other countries, but in Puerto Rico has had only incipient manifestations and usually theoretical or academic.

As a matter of threshold, as to the relevance of this book for our reality, and for understanding the mechanisms of social control of the state, it is necessary to note that the text explains in detail the foundations that support social movements against globalization and the dangers that engenders the demolition of the border economic, political, cultural social and that this entails. All this after allowing the opening of markets to large corporations and unfettered capitalism, making money off of other peoples, increasing social and economic differences, and destroying indigenous cultures and the environment.

This message is relevant to the offensive total violent coup, neo-liberal and Tea-Parthians, based in Puerto Rico by the government of Luis Fortuño, it offers us the global context, theoretical and practical-for understanding of the elements selfish, greedy and marginalized behind these outrages.

I have to say that, although so far the people of Puerto Rico, on the colonial situation was still just a helpless pawn in the chessboard that control sovereign nations allied globalists and neo efforts, as will be discussed later, this is not an inevitable fate.

second thing I have to say about the relevance of this book to Puerto Rico is that this is the text that Figueroa did not read, and if he did not understand.

say that did not understand, because in this book explores in detail the strategic changes and developments that have earned the forces of repression of dissent, after the Great Battle of Seattle in 1999, which is the starting point the study of this text.

recall that the Great Battle of Seattle was a protest against the meeting of the World Trade Organization in 1999, where many and various groups opposed to globalization forced the cancellation of the activity to be held there. Unions, environmental organizations, professionals, fans of the new era, anarchists, and ordinary people were mobilized the streets of Seattle to derail the so-called Millennium Round, and more importantly, all independent of any political party or hierarchical structure of modernity.

This battle is considered the beginning of a new phase of anti-globalization movement, from which there have been mass protests in all the summits of the WTO and other global supranational organizations. According to the Seattle Police Department, the event was merely with approximately 40,000 participants. Seattle police were not prepared for the innovation and militancy of the movement and lost total control of the situation. Of that historical experience is that originate tactics and strategies that are discussed in this text, and to a greater or lesser extent, have succeeded in avoiding a victory so overwhelming in other protests after anti-globalization groups. If
Although the book focuses on anti-globalization movement, its relevance is vital for Puerto Rico, for what has been happening in the UPR, since in terms of motives, organization, strategies, diversity and participatory democracy, the similarities the student movement are extraordinary.
The book explains the diversity of groups that comprise the anti-globalization movement and the different structures that organize or bring together, detailing how smooth, horizontal and democratic operating in spectacular resemblance to our student movement, which is also diffuse , heuristic, non-hierarchical, supportive, creative and works based on strong principles of participatory democracy. And we must not lose sight of what we anticipate in Puerto Rico will be a big social battle to prevent the build the so-called Via Verde, which I think is the state infrastructure project of systematic corruption that has been most aberrant conceived in Puerto Rico.
This book is essential reading for which we prepare for the feat that awaits us.

On the other hand, the relevance of the text to understand the contemporary world, we must say that what we are seeing in Cairo and other Middle East countries, are phenomena for which can be found in this text some theoretical and empirical, and that we all recognize as paradigms of possible courses of action to address the colonial problem and the dictatorship that we live in Puerto Rico.

A key aspect of this text is that it is a participatory and experiential research on the concept of Verstehen, but also has strong empirical and theoretical basis for validation of their conclusions.

Verstehen is a German word which translated into English means understanding, and generalized by Max Weber. The comprehensivist is a branch of epistemology that emerged in Germany during the nineteenth century in opposition to positivism and scientific method, posed that social science should be studied based on mere observation.

understanding or Verstehen involves, among other things, direct participation in the social phenomenon to be studied and the interpretation of the object of study by solidarity, otherness and empathy.

The author participated from 2001 to 2005 anti-globalization protests. In an exercise of Verstehen the author could see, touch and feel, first hand, as a protester protests: the motivations, reasons, feelings, fears, outrage and paranoia felt by the protesters to the mechanisms of social control of dissent by country leaders undisputed global supranational organizations. The book outlines in particular the protests in Washington, Miami and Cancun.

protests in which he participated were made after the Battle of Seattle and the September 11, 2001, therefore, could see how the state has gradually expanded the variety, intelligence and crudeness of the techniques of social control of dissent . This allowed him to observe and study in detail all the strength and sophistication achieved.

This book summarizes excellently the student body of theoretical thinking of the mechanisms of state control, explains the actual techniques of social control of dissent, from more subtle and almost invisible, even violence, including assault, arrest and illegal search.

The book explains the effect of these techniques in the movements, communities, and the psyche of the activists and observers to the protests. It also explains the dynamics of innovation and response between movements and the state, which are constantly in a game of trial and error, between the cat and mouse, with a purpose, to bring the message to your maximum disclosure, and the other to suppress a mere exercise of human agglutination useless.

The book is also valuable to end on a hopeful note about the effect that these struggles are having on the generation of environmental protective policies, decelerator aggressive globalization processes and the social and political changes that have occurred in response to these efforts.

The book is divided into seven chapters are:

Protest, control and maintain order.
Prospects in the control of dissent.
anti-globalization movement. Managing and regulating
protests: The social control and law. So
Democracy: The physical control of space.
Here comes the Anarchists: The psychological control of space.
Implementation of the Law and control.

Each of these chapters is marked by a series of subdivisions that details the various aspects on the subject and the relationship between the social control of dissent and its effect on people who protest.

Chapter one on protest, control and policing, the author notes the dramatic shift that occurred in the way the state began to look at the dissidents after the September 11, 2001, when he began to equate dissent with terrorists, to try to inhibit their actions and create a paranoia that would allow them more control.

Then the author explains the relationship between anti-globalization movement and control of their networks, going through what theorists say about the matter, texture, control, control and social movements and other prospects for control. End of chapter explaining the book's structure and approach and focus that has the copyright in the work.

Chapter two on the prospects in the control of dissent, the author discusses an overview of social control and examines the work of postmodern theorists on power, biopower and governance, particularly considering the concept of the multitude of Hardt and Negri, which studies the changes that have made the move from a society based on manufacturing to a knowledge society and services which has substantially altered class analysis and the work of Karl Marx. Then, the author examines the range of legal, physical and psychological control of dissent.

Chapter three of the anti-globalization movement, the author explains how to organize anti-globalization social movements and how they create their paradigms and bringing together people around them. Also, the author examines the data supporting his book, including their participation in protests, interviews with members of both sectors, the police and protesters. That is, both the repression and dissent, in addition to the documents published by both sectors.

The author then proceeds to discuss the reason why globalization is creating an opposition so vehement in some individuals and groups, and different types of globalization such as politics, cultural and economic.

The author then goes on to explain, what are the different anti-globalization movements and how an emphasis on anarchist movements, which have implemented more direct and aggressive action to challenge authority, and have then been the subject of proceedings more raw and dramatic illegal by the state.

In contrast, the author presents the affinity groups, which are closed nature, pursuing each one different interests and are not characterized by violent protest. All this results in clusters or clusters where there is the union of different affinity groups that make up the bulk of the protest, distributed work, and share some strategies. All this allows the motion fluidity and flexibility, which makes it rather difficult to organize or strengthen, as effective and elusive to the control of the state.

All of these groups involved in anti-globalization protests have their assemblies of participatory democracy which discusses in detail the strategies to be used from transportation, accommodation, food, route of travel, whether negotiated or not negotiated with the authorities, a course of action, and also the consequences of different enforcement policies and the impact it will have on the type of action that they will perform.
the author also emphasizes that the movement is not monolithic, but is also divided into sections and areas that supply accommodation, meals and of particular importance, the independent press as Indymedia, which in many cases, as in Puerto Rico as in the case of Radio goes, are the subject of brutal attacks and destruction of property to prevent the message they are captured out into the open.
In Chapter Four, managing and regulating the protest, the author examines how law becomes a mechanism of social control by the bylaws, and to revive old and archaic laws, including laws on the masks that were directed to Ku Klux Klan. Any resemblance to the laws of Puerto Rico is purely coincidental. Within this process of implementation of the Act with the aim of destabilizing the effectiveness of the protest, is the close public spaces the close accommodation, and conducting illegal searches and arrests, which are to be spurious, because prosecutors do not file charges. This creates anxiety, which affects the membership through fear and paranoia.

addition, the author deals with the regulation by the cities of the time, place and manner of protests, including meeting places, routes, hours, and far they can go, in order to minimize their impact or threat.

It also outlines the various actions taken in the city go affecting the course of organizing the protest, constantly changing rules, and to move the protesters to different places in last minute changes, so that they disband their consistency.

One of the most important contributions of the author, is examining the process of negotiation of dissent, through the municipal permitting process, and establishes convincingly that the permitting process to conduct protest proceedings is one of the more subtle but effective control when a protest, and that different groups have chosen to negotiate, which has led to a dramatic erosion in the efficiency of the protests to achieve the goals and spread their messages.

The dilemma facing the group is to negotiate or not negotiate. Many businesses and submit. Those who do not trade, are crude and violent confrontation of the State and used all the means of propaganda to demonize and isolate them.

These negotiations often requires protesters to give up their rights of speech and assembly to pressure the state and are therefore unconstitutional.

Chapter five, so it looks on democracy, the physical control of space, the author explains how state agencies select the particular place where the participants of the protests can exercise their right to protest and how organizations supragovernmental overall have been selecting locations for meetings increasingly remote or that are easier to defend the processes of the protests.

This strategy involves a planning process for a long time by state agencies and these global organizations, including not only the assessment and geographic strategy and urban, but the detailed study of intelligence and espionage of all persons could participate in protest activities.

occur These studies and preparations well in advance and cause extra costs in the United States have forced the federal government made substantial contributions to the defense of the cities in which they have carried out such operations.

On the other hand, the author in this chapter five, evaluates operations and signals intelligence gathering process on the demonstrators and groups, and infiltration of government agents in the movements, noting the experience of COINTELPRO in the sixties, here in Puerto Rico We are very familiar and outrageous.

With the experience of COINTELPRO, the author shows how the Patriot Act has given more power to carry out processes of infiltration and the infiltration has an inhibitory effect on the groups, it causes the groups begin to police each other and enter paranoid disputes affecting decision-making processes and the effectiveness of strategies. The infiltration is often hidden or exposed, and causes fear also inhibits the demonstrators as they do not know who you can talk, and it remains uncertain who can be trusted.

Also, the forces of repression used by preventive patrols, surveillance evident and covert, persecution and illegal detention purely research purposes in violation of the constitution. Although there is this type of management and arrests, the charges never prosper, because there are no legal grounds for carrying out these interventions. This is done in order to get the protesters off the streets, intimidating them and remove them from the protest.

This confirms that the performance that made the police here in Puerto Rico to arrest the students and not to subject positions, part of that strategy of harassment to try to suppress the protests.

Also, the author explains how it aims to reduce the anonymity of the participants in the protests by using video cameras and photography to intimidate participants. This also has an inhibitory effect on the participants, although these actions here in Puerto Rico exhibit signs of illegality in the light of the jurisprudence of the cases vs David Noriega. ELA, the carpeteo legal activities, is constantly used to send the message to the protesters to the State of is observing, identifying and processed.

Also in this chapter the author discusses the use of laws and ordinances prohibiting the use of masks. The author justifies in detail why many times the masks are part of the freedom of expression, particularly when the masks are used to identify different groups or carry out actions and plays.

The author examines how the state has had to resort to the fortifications of the protest sites and how to divide also uses protestors in different groups using high fences, and not just improvised, but built specifically for containment of large crowds. As mentioned, making the analogy of pest control and leprosy of Foucault, the author concludes that in terms of mass protests, are being handled by physical divisions and barricades, like infectious diseases, which should not be spread by rest of society.

The author also in this chapter, speaks of the mass arrests and preventive arrests surgical groups involved in protests and infiltrated selectively arrest people they identified a priori and no crime committed, which may represent a danger to state interests.

Chapter six on 'there are the anarchists, "the author talks about the psychological control of space and the effect it has on the community division of the protesters, demonstrators good and bad, and as the community adopts the discourse of the forces of repression based stereotypes within the anti-globalization movement have spread because of the Anarchist nickname. To demonize the Anarchist, the authorities used a detailed, thorough and planned public relations effort in order to create a message, sometimes ambiguous, in that respect the right of Protestants to appear, but they will do everything effort to defend the community from dangerous anarchists. All this in order to promote fear in the population who could sympathize with the protesters, not to join the protests and to establish a visceral rejection, particularly in the business community who fear that their businesses could suffer damage from the protests. This has the effect of isolating the protest and stop growing at effective levels.

All these efforts of the forces of repression have an inhibitory effect on the population that is hosting the protest and the protesters, who obviously have serious consequences on the effect of the protest through the use of mechanisms of fear.

Finally, in Chapter seven, on the enforcement and control, the author goes to establish that although mechanisms are being developed global power and that states have been giving some powers to these entities, yet keep the police power and repression of demonstrations against globalization.

The author examines the implications negotiated process of protest and how it has affected the effectiveness of activities. It also summarizes the control of space, but these efforts eventually established state control that have emerged from the Battle of Seattle in 1999, in most cases, are two or three steps behind the imagination and creativity demonstrators. As happens in Puerto Rico.

The author ends on a note of reflection on the hope that the movements continue to establish creative ways to bring their message and achieve social and economic changes, but anticipates that the State will continue to move towards more effective mechanisms and raw social control dissent.

In conclusion, the book is an extraordinary effort to dissect how the state evaluates the protests and dissent, how they faced, and how he tries to minimize its effect. Although the book is devoted to anti-globalization protests, the model has many aspects that could be applicable in any kind of protest, particularly where we're making in Puerto Rico and to come to save this country. Professor Fernández

Writing a book is the art of knowing when to begin and end. So there are second editions.

What I would like to see in a second edition. It

important that a second edition has a section on policing policing. That is, control and defense mechanisms that are available to the people to control more effectively and fast, physical abuse, psychological and social development by the State when facing this kind of protest. The legal system is slow and ineffectual prejudice.

I'd like to see an update on protests following the explosion of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, as the protests are reviewed prior to the development of effective communication mechanisms through these networks. Question: Do they add value these networks offer the protesters or control mechanisms effective to the state?

could include the specification of physical and psychological effects of violence in human beings, not merely speak of fear and deterrence, but to talk about injuries, pain, anger, fear and suffering psychological problems arising demonstrators when hit by the forces of repression as it has in the case of Puerto Rico. On the psychological effects: what can cause? Appeasement of resistance or exacerbation of attitudes and violence of the demonstrators.

I'd like to see in a future issue any details on the innovations of the resistance and police monitoring, particularly around the individual techniques of protest such as civil disobedience in the spontaneous protests against other social, environmental and economic.

would also be great to expand on the specific role played by the repression of independent media and the proliferation of such organizations and cyber available for immediate disclosure of information will definitely extend the framework of the protest and may be that the state has no effective mechanisms to prevent the spread of these ideas.

is easy to put gates in the city, it is easy to block the wind so they can not sleep the demonstrators, it is easy to call a specific route surrounded by police with rattan, horses and motorcycles, but the information is gathered and disseminated electronically through the social networks and the rest of the Internet, it is very difficult to control, and would be excellent analysis whether this disclosure has a direct impact on decision making by these global institutions of repression.

In conclusion, the book of Professor Fernandez is one that I recommend fully, because it gives us a specific vision of how the state is changing its approach to dissent and how these changes require a response and People's immediate social action, concerted Intelligent, creative and democracy, for social change to quality of life for all human beings.

This book offers vital tools in that route. I congratulate Professor


I hope to follow a prolific intellectual life. We need

. Thank


Emmanuelli Rolando Jimenez, JD LL.M.

- My iPad.

Location: Cll
Anguilla, Ponce, Puerto Rico

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Food Concession Agreement



Contact: Yanid Emmanuelli
Tel: 787-848-0666

Emmanuelli Rolando Jimenez submits bid to chair DISUR

Ponce - Vice President South Integral Development (DISUR), Atty. Emmanuelli Rolando Jimenez, announced today that aims to chair this regional organization that brings together areas of academia, businesses, community groups and fifteen municipalities of the South. DISUR is currently chaired by Yauco Mayor Abel Nazario. Emmanuelli

Jimenez, who is a founding member of DISUR, has been one of the advocates that promote the development of autonomous regions in the country and the global projection of its assets to attract new investment and jobs in Puerto Rico.

According to the lawyer, DISUR, has set out short, medium and long term should lead to the delegation of powers by the Central Government in the areas of regional planning, industrial promotion and tourism development.

"DISUR These powers will make it an organizational model that will allow other regions of the country overcome the economic crisis and steer their development," said Emmanuelli-Jiménez. Under his presidency

attorney will focus on five main pillars: economic empowerment DISUR and phasing dependence on funding from the municipalities, strengthening the academic sector intellectual leaders of innovation and development of knowledge economy to capitalize and develop income distributed equally among the different components: the binding of the private sector for the purpose of strengthening the "cluster" or existing business conglomerates in the south so that be articulated into a smart strategy of socioeconomic development and validated. These clusters are the logistics and transportation to the Port of the Americas and the Southern Railway, agribusiness, health, biomedical and tourism purposes .

also propel the development of exports and imports through Port of the Americas to opening of the mega-port operations. This will be the basis for development of the area will bring added value to paying jobs in the South. Persiguirá also agglutination of regional social forces to influence and lobby for a more equitable distribution of state investment in different regions.

"It is time that the private sector take the lead in DISUR, particularly when the public sector" now in process of preparation and political mobilization to the primaries and elections in 2012. Allow other municipal executive to assume the presidency DISUR during the pre-election period would risk DISUR able to implement the initiatives that are underway, "said Emmanuelli while urging universities, businesses and communities to join DISUR.

The presidential election will be the DISUR Feb. 28.

# # #

By Atty. Emmanuelli Rolando Jiménez, JD, LL.M.

The author is a probate lawyer, Chairman of the Firm
in Ponce, President of the Southern Alliance Pro

, Vice President DISUR, Inc., past president of the Chamber of Commerce of South Puerto Rico and host Due Process of Law program, which airs every Saturday at 11:00 am by WPAB 550. For more information see

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Am A Cashier At Sams

BOOK PRESENTATION: Policing DISSENT Social Control and The Anti-Globalization Movement, by Prof. Luis A. Fernández

The End of Diplomacy Emmanuelli
By Rolando Jiménez, JD, LL.M

in recent years from death Rafael Cordero Santiago, we have been describing in columns and radio programs such as Ponce and the Southern Region have been experiencing an increasing loss of political power. This

define political power as the ability to make the ruling elite, partisan and selfish northern metropolitan area, responding to the demands of economic development in the South and other regions of Puerto Rico.

The bulk of public investment in Puerto Rico has always been made in the metropolitan area. Projects like the Coliseo Jose Miguel Agrelot, the Super Aqueduct, the Tren Urbano, the Convention Center and major highways in continuous improvement or reconstruction, are made without being asked to account those municipalities where they are built. When

has told Jorge Santini, Ramon Luis Rivera, Hector Aponte Oneill or who has that ¨ ¨ or respond repay these investments economically. These investments are made for the benefit of the metropolitan, and yet protected by the argument that are strategic, we pay all Puerto Ricans. Rafael Cordero Santiago

development and political power bent a little balance in our favor by bringing together multi-sectoral and supra-partisan forces that allowed him courageous and vocally claim the rights of our Region and City. Cordero Santiago

When he was alive, no one in San Juan was afraid to tell that to achieve a strategic infrastructure project for Puerto Rico, had to test the ability of repayment ¨ ¨ Municipality of Ponce. Investment commitments of more than one billion who managed Cordero Santiago to Ponce resulted from the political soft spot and not from the generosity of the central government.

The political soft spot Cordero Santiago was premised on a strong defense of what was for us over the metropolitans who opposed. This pate statement taken as a badge of identity and powers ° Ponce is Ponce and the rest is parking ¨.

Strengthening political culture agglutination-based forces consensus Cordero Santiago guaranteed him a great influence elections in the rest of the country that made the northern bureaucrats attend. The consensus of local and regional citizens remain in force, which was lost loyalty and willingness of politicians.

Cordero Santiago's death and the succession of executives and municipal executive submissive, sectarian and incompetent have put paid to that political power and therefore the central government has done and waste our rights with impunity. The answer to this horror claque diplomacy policy has been a softy for little letters and meetings to negotiate.

such submission is to the north that contemporary politicians do not even dare to repeat the famous slogan Ponce affirmation of identity and power.

This erosion of power has led to the derailment of all projects and strategic initiatives, which if implemented timely and punctual, they served as a business model to take Puerto Rico from stagnation and dependence that we suffer today.

The abandonment and destruction of strategic plans and initiatives include the Land Use Plan of 2004 that managed Cordero Santiago, with its registered investment works bill establishing commitments of more than one billion dollars, the Ponce en Marcha Plan that languishing since 1992, Act 212, which was settled by the infamous Act 7 and destroyed hundreds of viable projects that would bring more than two hundred million dollars of private investment to the town of Ponce, and finally, the last two two years, the death of Puerto de las Américas Rafael Cordero Santiago.

If all these projects and initiatives were in place, Ponce and the Southern Region and have the essential tools to direct their economic future and plan effectively for DISUR intermediation.

All executives and municipal executive who succeeded Cordero Ponce Santiago have betrayed the dreams of economic development of our city and Southern Region.

Although this problem has been saying in the press and Active Forces Southern, these leaders have chosen to bow to the interests of its centralized political parties in San Juan, and conviction or fear, did not claim what the law is up to our City and Region. Tan

devastating has been the drain on power of Ponce and the Southern Region in two years hegemonic PNP administration, the Port of the Americas is paralyzed because the central government does not want to invest until he says the ability to establish ¨ ¨ repayment Municipality of Ponce.

many times Fortuño and governor have said alteregos Port is a strategic project for Puerto Rico. Why else is of such importance, Ponce has to pay for this investment.

This problem is compounded when one considers that it is vox populi that the Mayor be persuaded to be deleted from the Memorandum of Understanding a clause that protected us from having to pay $ 250 million investment in the Port.

No wonder, Perez Riera, Fortuño and his claque, or jokes when the Mayor decided not to renew the Memorandum of Understanding on 30 September 2010. Mayor did not protest because he had lost through action or omission the only clause that protected them from having to pay back 250 million. This is something that it is entitled to explain and we will discuss another time.

Today, few politicians speak of the Territorial Plan and certified investment works. Few politicians say that this is a right that is essential to fighting and rescue. But worse, the few that speak of these matters will not have the tools necessary to secure these rights claim, because they have not been able to consolidate political power enough to approach the game, or worse, because they are people who think that party goes over the wishes and aspirations of their constituents and the people swarm into sects dividing agringoladas.

It's time to bring together and realign forces. But not just about politicians unable to wean the party. But around the Crowd. Around this mass of Southerners with the willpower and desire to excel, that wrongly delegated its future in irresponsible and incompetent people who betrayed our dreams and aspirations.

addition, parallel and care by 2012, it is time to compel politicians incisively:

1. What were the specific actions you have taken to promote the development of Ponce and getting them to perform infrastructure work embodied in the Spatial Plan.

2. What are the specific actions that you agree to take in this direction in their future political position.

3. Is prepared to sue the central government to meet its commitments, even if dominated by the same party you.

But not limit ourselves to this.

It is time to end the fear and weakness. It is time for citizen action, spontaneous, strong, horizontal, heuristics, courageous, creative and proud.

is time to rescue from the street our rights. This already is brewing. Reached the end of diplomacy.

- My iPad.

Fm 1960 Rd W, Houston, United States

Prayer Of The Faithful Wedding Died

Emmanuelli Rolando Jiménez, submits bid to chair DISUR

By Atty. Emmanuelli Rolando Jiménez, JD, LL.M.

recently wrote about the issue of partisanship, the lies, silence and woodworm. The spectra that as cruel Nordic Valkyries are choosing their victims mercilessly to destroy our chances and aspirations as a people. Today

I mean a second time to partisanship and woodworm. As previously mentioned, the beetles are the common name are the larvae of several species of wood boring insects, structures, furniture or works of art, and where the tunnels constructed for the purpose of breeding and feeding. Tirelessly to undermine and eventually undermine everything good damage so hopelessly.

Today I am referring to partisanship and woodworm. The beetles are the common name are the larvae of several species of wood boring insects, structures, furniture or works of art, and where the tunnels constructed for the purpose of breeding and feeding. Tirelessly to undermine and eventually undermine everything good damage so hopelessly.

When we talk about worms, we are not referring to the greed for power and money, which is discussed in the next article, we refer to the compulsion of wanting to penetrate all the circles or Environments human activity, in broad daylight day or covertly, to be gaining adherents by offering unconditional patronage apocryphal or chimerical promises of a better future life. By constant swarm in search with new fans, sects and parties are wearing, boring and undermining other entities and structures that have been created with laudable social and economic purposes.

The partisanship and sectarianism are always precarious for its peculiarity of being exclusive. Sects and parties create their codes and standards of membership open or secret. To become a member of a sect or party must be a certain way or believe in some particulars. This in itself, marginalized, rejected and shelves for those who are different or belong to other profiles creative. Like everything, these lifestyles and beliefs are open to interpretation. That is why even among sectarian and partisan disputes arise real or imagined that separate them individually or antagonistic factions that struggle for survival paranoid trying to destroy or absorb the others.

By its nature divisive sectarianism and partisanship constantly erode their own heart. That is why they have to be constantly lurking places, organizations or structures in which enter, penetrate and feed. This means the abduction and recruitment with new fans. If the ground of these settings is not fertile or not it serves your purposes, then you need to destroy to be strongholds of the enemies of other sects or parties.
The heated sectarian or partisan only see through the narrow lanes of the tunnels of the beetles. If two people walk together or work together, is because they are the same party or group. If you promote someone at work or organization, it is because their bosses or superiors are the same party. If the boy falls for a girl, you have to figure out which party or sect are their parents.
That's why when you speak to a larva of beetles on a person or organization, the first question is: PNP or Popular? If it be of his party, is sympathetic and tranquility. If the opposite party, dislike and disgust. Question then, how is that that person works there? What wins? Who is your sponsor? What should I do to be a member of the organization? Who belongs to are my sect or party? If you said this is because it is PNP. If you are protesting should be independence. How can we close the way? How do we make it difficult? If you're reviewing so much is that wants to be political and challenge me.

woodworm larvae can not have positive thoughts or mere tolerance for those who do not belong to sect or party. The dark worms have only one lens. Of the sect or party. Everything aside, if you can not eat, plenty and need to marginalize and destroy. So poison, slander, sow discord and harm, but sooner or later end up as victims of toxic spills.
woodworm larvae are very unhappy. They live a life of doubt, suspicion, insecurity, disturbed interpretations, delusions of persecution, delusions of grandeur, but most of all, marginalization. Classifying living in groups and are increasingly feeling more alone, because they dare not meet, talk, discuss, coordinate, plan, contribute and build the future shoulder shoulder, with people outside their party or sect.
woodworm larvae are what have caused that in Puerto Rico we were unable to agree to direct and develop key strategic projects and as a people.

The partisanship and sectarianism is a personality disorder, which unlike any other, is terribly contagious. It is epidemic because it relies on the political and economic power or potential. Woodworm larvae prey on the weaknesses, problems and other diseases, to trick them with offers conditional on starting in the sect or sign up for the game. So go to begin or recruit in cycles of four years with increasingly outlandish promises.

Fortunately, worms worms can hardly meet their offers and eventually fall of its own weight, being devoured by the jaws of his lies. The despicable partisanship and sectarianism inevitably fail, because their task is divisive and exclusionary, leaving the increasingly alone and weakened.

The problem is that the people trying to overcome this unhealthy and unnatural division by replacing the previous and new partisan and sectarian. The snake biting its tail again. We entered another round of Nietzschean eternal return.

While the Village continues to give way to a condition that causes the worms, we are doomed to underdevelopment. It is therefore essential to educate about the evils of division and offer alternative development and overcome this scourge, by fair accommodation of interests and consensus building towards the objectives of higher order.

As a general rule, the party or sectarian responsible only to their group, for lack of courage, leadership and accountability to their constituents. The irony, or little recognized, is that a politician or elected official does not mean you have to be hopelessly partisan or sectarian. The politician can answer irrevocably to their constituents or voters. We have had very edifying examples of politicians inclusive, tolerant, openness, and accountability to their constituents. It is no coincidence that they have been the most successful and which are indelibly written in the conscience of our people.

The break with the partisan and sectarian system is possible through education and empowerment of the people in participatory democracy. It is the only way politicians will be forced to abandon their old practices to respond directly and responsibly to the will of their constituents over what the views or decides his sect or party.

By Rolando Jiménez, JD, LL.M.

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Location: Ave Esmeralda, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

38 Weeks And Have A Really Bad Headache

The End of Diplomacy

few months ago I wrote about the issue of partisanship, lies and silence. A trio of spectra as cruel Nordic Valkyries are choosing their victims mercilessly to destroy our chances and aspirations as a people. Raised in the pleadings, that the future of our economic and social development depends on root eradicate the evil of sectarianism and partisanship. Today I am referring to partisanship and woodworm. The beetles are the common name are the larvae of several species of wood boring insects, structures, furniture or works of art, and where the tunnels constructed for the purpose of breeding and feeding. Tirelessly to undermine and eventually undermine everything good damage so hopelessly. Unfortunately, the ultimate goal of the misdeeds of the unsuccessful party has been DISUR woodworm.

addition, DISUR municipalities can coordinate their efforts to gain political power to the central government for the equitable distribution of budget resources, which currently fall disproportionately on the slick cement malformed which is the San Juan metropolitan area .
DISUR is not an invention Southerners. It is a socio-economic development model has been developed with extreme success in the U.S., Europe and Latin America. People as diverse as past Resident Commissioner, José Tito Colorado, Yauco Mayor Abel Nazario Quiñones, last Mayor of Ponce, Francisco Zayas Seijo Ico and Jose Pepe Mendez University System CEO Ana G. Mendez, vehemently expressed that regionalization is the only realistic and viable strategy to propel our products, services and tourism assets globally, and then receive income and foreign investment to create good-paying jobs, to get us out of chronic poverty collapse economic structure in which we live. Who in their right mind can be against DISUR or act for the purpose of destroying or boring their capacity for development? To me it's incomprehensible, but unfortunately coarsens and creates partisanship beetles that no matter the damage they cause, is to undermine what they want to eat and eat, boring to destroy everything in their path to achieving personal positions or perks. The news this last week we confirmed that the two major parties in Ponce there with such leaders to advance their personal goals and sectarian, are capable of attacking, eating away and try to destroy DISUR. One such person states that do not pay the fee to which the municipality is committed, and that at this point is essential for DISUR operations because it is an alleged problem "personal" with this server, which holds the post of Vice President DISUR.

To make matters worse, the leader of the opposite party, you should defend DISUR with hand and wrist, decreed by Fiat bold, unsubstantiated information, which DISUR is disjointed, with the sole purpose of advancing his personal ambitions and attack your opponent armchair municipal policy.

So for personal, empty and unfocused, two leaders who should understand the role and importance DISUR, dragan, DISUR break and attack, then affecting the welfare of the entire Southern Region has a population of over 600 thousand inhabitants and the levels of poverty and high unemployment in Puerto Rico.

Every politician that in order to advance their personal interests, sectarian or partisan conspire, assault, breach of its obligations or contractual law, and undermines the essential projects of socioeconomic development in the South Region, represents the worst kind of selfish and intolerant do not deserve the favor of any voter in Ponce.

Fortunately, the show of support expressed for DISUR, institutional strength and the people who run day day, I am convinced that the organization is strong as Ausubo, even within its real economic insecurity, and that vile moth, is not going to drill.

municipal executives who understand what it is DISUR and are committed to their goals, which are the majority, but for various reasons have not been updated in its quotas, are now strategic time and commitment essential legal and moral, to make an urgent payment. This may be distinguished from other small things that afflict dull our aspirations as a region.

My sincere appreciation to Mr. Viviam Puig, Crystal Bell, David C. Southgate Backhouse, José M. Moreno Tirado, Dorisell Torres Cruz and Evelyn Rodríguez Gómez, who regardless of the great difficulties they have faced, believe in the project and are giving everything on the socioeconomic development of our Southern Region. Are these people of extraordinary quality which I confirm that the worms can be defeated and extinguished permanently.

already said Saturday DISUR Mr. President, Honorable Abel Nazario Quiñones, and I repeat with equal force and conviction, we will not remove. Whoever does not want to meet and collaborate, will go down in history as irredeemable enemy of South Puerto Rico.

By Rolando Jiménez, JD, LL.M. Http: / /

- My iPad.

Ave Esmeralda, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico