Saturday October 16, Cinema Retiro, I saw the devil, 10:00
particular is too early at 09:30, the lunch menu offers the beginning: a main course not suitable for all stomachs, comes from Korea, its ingredients are two monsters a fact and the other to do, topped with red sauce, the taste is varied on the good thriller, drama and extreme violence ....
I saw the devil participated in the official special fantasy scene, one of many of the competition.
my point of view deserved to be in the official competition, the quality of the footage is higher than some competitors.

Previously the film was shown in another famous festival (San Sebastian), many people could not take the screening, his moods of + 18 were not accepted or interpreted.
I do not like violent images but I think in this case are an important, if the hands go occasionally to the face.
Koreans are masters at portraying the lowest human instincts in this case a murder becomes a normal person dressed in a real beast of revenge, anger and cruelty.
a macabre game where the mouse makes life impossible for the cat, a gender twist.
Despite its 2 hours long for nothing is heavy, your minutes are electrifying, the gore takes second place thanks to the dramatic interpretation of Lee Byung-Hummy and Choi Min-Sink gone, colossal, a face to impressive face, the best performances of this year ..
The address follows the line of his last notable productions.
The script is signed right-Jung Hoon Park, is influenced by the good psycho thriller, the music is a delight for the ears.
devil I saw the movie of the year candidate.
Note: 8.5
Sábado16 October Auditorium film, Metropolis 16:40
is a joy to watch movies on the big screen and more when it comes to films antiguos.La enjoyed Saturday afternoon Metropolis (Fritz Lang, Germany, 1927) immortal work, expressionist where there ..
In his time a box office fiasco, misunderstood, forgotten, mutilated by the political branch and erotic, until thinned, he stayed in 92 minutes, about the capricious Yankies wanted to see well.
a couple of years ago in Argentina found an almost complete copy of the tape (yet to be found two scenes shy), after restore was presented this year's Berlinale .... now in Sitges.
The minutes added recovered and restored the original final arguments, the new images are of poor quality due to deterioration, but the overall result is magnificent.
complex architecture Metropolis is wonderful, great, dramatic, emotional, religious, naive script (obsolete these days) if it will detect deeper into political currents scandalous and insulting to any viewer.
may have to blame the wife of filmmaker Thea von Harbou, who left him years later by the ideology of screaming little gentleman with bad milk.
I'll stick with that first, that each one interprets the other as
want ....
Next to "The Battleship Potemkin" one of the pillars of our cinema, one of the mothers of science fiction visual ....
worth see ....
For dessert ..... a artists
has the output of the session I found a crowd waiting for someone, it was the closing of the festival , Mother's Day would be responsible for lowering the curtain on the festival main character is Rebecca de Mornay and is directed by Darren Lynn Bousman famous for the Saw saga.
as I read is a very loose remake, it's better to spend .
For the entire cast attended the premiere and also dropped Jaume Balagueró ....
And here my humble review, I hope next year is equal to or better than this .....
By Sitges 2010.
Next Stop: Buried & Possible lives Mr Nobody ...
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