partisanship and Part II Woodworm In the ideal state citizens would not have to pay taxes on individual or corporate net income. The State would have sources of funding or income that would unnecessarily disturb the taxes citizens and products of their sweat individual and collective effort, which in the case of Puerto Rico, are now clearly confiscatory.
These sources of funding or revenues could be efficient and productive state enterprises or taxes reasonable value chains, imports or exports or in the processes that have environmental costs, social or economic need repair.
For efficient and productive state enterprises this should not be a problem for the government's ability to establish monopolies on essential goods or services that would generate profits and distribute them equally in the social set. The problem is that partisan control makes them vulnerable to looting of their resources and so we have a AAA and EEE, which despite being monopolistic firms have economic losses because they are spoils of war by the parties take turns in power.
In the case of companies with an environmental cost, social or economic, could take as an example a tax on companies that emit carbon dioxide and other contaminants, not to confer immunity, but to encourage them to seek efficient and cleaner ways of producing goods and services. Under this system, the Power Authority would have two options, or moves to truly green and renewable energy, or pay heavy taxes for the environmental damage it causes us every day of the year.
For value chains can be taxing stages of production, marketing and distribution of essential goods and services so as not to affect the poorest in meeting their basic needs and become mere production costs. These taxes can not be regressive nature or affecting citizens in disproportion to their economic status. So do not pose an unreasonable burden on the people of less resources.
These ways of funding the state must encourage innovation, work, savings, transparency and productivity to achieve individual and corporate profits declining tax evasion case with dissimulation or concealment of the profits.
a State has the ability to operate without imposing taxes on net income individual or group must have rules of strict fiscal discipline and accountability and control mechanisms that allow citizens to revoke the mandates of the officials who violate them.
Of course we're talking about the ideal state. Puerto Rico is far from having these characteristics.
in Puerto Rico have taxes at all stages of production, value chain, imports and exports, property, income and consumer sales. On top of that, the state and its monopolistic firms squander the money and there are ways to control citizens to prevent impunity for fiscal irresponsibility and the recall of officials in criminal tax matters.
To make matters worse, we have an unprecedented fiscal crisis product of partisan irresponsibility and the collapse of the economic model that supported the country's production structure. This is compounded by the fact that the government lacks the imagination to structure a sustainable economic model for gross incompetence and because he understands that he can affect their intentions to obtain statehood which benefit from increased dependence, poverty and marginalization of the majority Ombudsman, to cling to the annexation as a means of livelihood and economic security.
This is what produces the votes that the NPP may have with impunity and then robbing the budget for exclusive benefit of the Lords of the party.
Governor Fortuño, who has the audacity to want to return to be reelected governor in 2012, is plagued by two years of blunders and government for the powerful, layoffs, new confiscatory taxes, tax revenue downward curve imprisonment, destruction of state services for vulnerable people, damage Malicious environmental protections and rights of communities, police abuse and repression of freedoms, crime and mental health deterioration unprecedented downward spiral of economic status of citizens and companies, neglect of strategic projects development and a shot in the dark to try to revitalize the economy.
That's why the governor now makes up the so-called tax reform in no way addresses the reasons we have expressed previously that must exist to be fair and to promote economic development.
Fortuño reform is based on partisan political purposes. Intended only temporarily relieve the pocket of limited-income people, which is laudable, but in order to reduce dependence and increase the functions of government support to achieve development. No, its only purpose is that people forget what happened in these two years and vote Luckily, in 2012.
Fortuño reform is temporary because the admission of his Rasputin, Marcos Rodriguez Pujada, there are no mechanisms for funding after 2012. That is, the present tax cuts are not likely to continue. So is another monumental deception Fortuño. It's a dumb fucks to hunt for possible re-election votes.
tax reform can not be based purely electoral purposes.
A comprehensive tax reform has to address many issues such as balancing and properly fund the government, to discourage consumption, reduce the underground economy, reduce substantially the rate income tax; promote savings in business class and salaried people, and that these savings can be invested in economic and social development of Puerto Rico.
Within the current economic crisis, tax reform should be aimed primarily at addressing the economic problem is not fishing for votes. projects submitted by Fortuño be denounced and rejected if it can be amended to support our economic and social development.
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Esmeralda Avenue, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico