We are in the world bubbles, spheres, incubators, greenhouses, where the man is built, protects and change. The area is no longer the world's morphological image polyspherical we inhabit, but the foam. ::: Peter Sloterdijk
pospesimista Interview with philosopher and poscínico
For some, Peter Sloterdijk is a visionary, a "new and
great Nietzsche." For others, the most famous German philosopher Jurgen Habermas after and responsible for opening the door to eugenics, a current approved genetically engineered to improve human health. Anyway, 20 years each book of the professor of aesthetics ends becoming a bestseller.
The Nation: What is the reason for this fascination? Probably the way he describes the world and man through concepts like "bubble", "ball" and "scum."
Peter Sloterdijk: According to their theory, the day when Copernicus proved that the earth was suspended in space, humanity hesitated man panicked at the thought of falling into the void and disappear in an infinite black hole. Since then, men seek to recover only a protective mantle, similar to the placenta which we comfortable. Therefore, that all human work tends to rebuild the original shape.
In the three volumes of almost 1000 pages each comprising "Spheres", this giant 57 year old blonde tries to show that, in this titanic effort to protect itself from "the terrors of abysmal space, rich Western countries have developed an "offensive constructivism, extended to infinity by construction, utopian and pragmatic, a global glass house should ensure a modern habitat in space open. "
But not all praise for the new star of world philosophy, who heads the University of Karlsruhe. Many accuse him of having transgressed the moral and political ban hanging over genetic engineering. The most tenacious critics is Habermas.
The scandal broke in 1999, at a conference titled Sloterdijk "Rules for the Human Park" . Going further than Nietzsche, presented to the school, education, the Church and humanity as techniques of domestication of man: "This practice he said has led us to live in a zoo full of animal themed civilized, where man is domesticated itself and tries to do the same with the newcomers. "educational humanism, he said, opened an" era antropotécnica "where genetic engineering and cloning is inevitable.
" After the conference, Habermas , awareness of Nazi Germany, accused him of using "Nazi jargon" and denounced his "anthropology of the 1940. The press, meanwhile, called it eugenics. What is your response?
- Eugenics is a part of modern thought. It is the very basis of liberalism. Eugenics is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe traditional left, taken by the Nationalists after the First World War. Progressivism is applied to the field of genetics. Each individual is reasonable at the time eugenicist who marries. Every woman is eugenics if you prefer to marry a man who has favorable qualities in physical appearance. Eugenics is the everyday.
- completely unconscious?
"Not at all. One is not unaware if he marries a beautiful woman. The preference of beauty in erotic matters is not unconscious: it is consciousness itself. As Plato said in "The Banquet" is the will to beget in beauty. Is the more conscious act and the most reasonable human being.
"So is eugenics fascist. Can man believed God and decide who should live and who is not?
"There never was a fascist eugenics. What was racist was an exterminator. This willingness to kill never had the slightest connection with the concept of eugenics conceived as a means of reflecting on the best terms that will be created the next generation. The Nazis took advantage of some pseudo-scientific excuses to eliminate diseased. That has nothing to do with eugenics. It is a total abuse of language to call it.
- And what do you attribute this confusion?
-A left-wing fascism was never revealed what it really is. The anti-fascism, as dominant ideology is that left-wing fascism never made their games. Its representatives never confessed what they really are. Accusing the fascists fascists hide their own right as fascists, including Maoism, which was the worst of fascism. Beside Mao, Hitler look like a fool and a neurasthenic, a poor figure compared with the major fascist Mao Tse-tung.
"When you used the term" human zoo theme "naturally had to cause a commotion. Was it a provocation?
Not at all. They are just metaphors that evoke an anthropological reality that exists, with or without the metaphor. Because the habitat of human being is the pure nature or pure state house. It is an intermediary organization, which is like a zoo. A city that was only a city would be a kind of prison. Livable cities are like zoos. And a human zoo is just a metaphor that refers to the urban quality of being human. I do not see where is the challenge. The thought of human beings in relation to animals is dominated by the zoofobia, the racism of the species. Men make their own projections in those terms, I believe that a reduction of humanity to animality, where is the exact opposite.
- Is it in that sense that, for you, "man is an animal of luxury?
"It's so luxurious that it is able to remain a real animal. Lost the ability to be an animal. That's my definition of humanity: the inability to be acquired in the field of animality. We are beings doomed to escape forward, and in that race we become ecstatic. That ecstasy corresponds to what Heidegger called "the opening to the world." Returning to eugenics, a supporter of eugenics luxury. I am particularly interested human beings as a phenomenon of luxury, almost miraculously, appeared at random. That creature carries a genetic disease inherited that are good for nothing, but with us. The only question eugenics that future generations might arise would be whether to suppress, through genetic engineering, some of these companions. In 50 or 100 years, I am sure that most of humanity will agree with these techniques. But this has nothing to do with eugenics trap. You need to get used to think the man as a luxury, even when dogmatic not stop telling us that man is man only in terms of its shortcomings.
-With three volumes of "Spheres" left the field of bioethics to raise no less than a general morphology of human space. In this trilogy returns to the big question of Heidegger: Where are we when we say we are in the world?
"And I reply:" In bubble areas, hatcheries, greenhouses, where the man is built, protects and change. " Human life always organized itself by creating protected areas and immune cell protoplasm and children in the womb, through the men when they build their intimacy, their homes, their cities and their metaphysical or imaginary spaces.
"For you, the model of the area is the island. Does the human fact would be built by separating?
-An island is because it is isolated, and human fact is the result of a major operation of isolation. The process leading to human reality is the self-enclosing a human group transforms its members as the monkeys become men. That process begins with a perverse and particular use of the hand of the monkey, which is metamorphosed into a human hand. We play differently, as shown by Sartre in "Being and Nothingness" when he speaks of the stroking. The touch is exactly the act that proves that the human hand has become ecstatic. Is no longer happy with the gesture of taking one thing: the hand turns the antenna to be.
- What is what you call "uterotopo?
"It's another aspect of the Isle of Man. You need to understand that human beings are condemned to a metaphorical practice is the need to repeat the situation ex utero in utero. The uterine environment becomes the symbol of global activity, because the human being is always dependent on a space saver for human nature.
-In "Foams," the latest volume of his trilogy, you say that those countless human spheres are agglomerated to form packages of "foam" which suggest that many human spaces closed.
"I could not stay at the level of the protective bubble of the family or small horde. I play classical metaphysics immune system as a symbolic building a transcendent and indestructible film about human beings. While mortals living under this sky, it was plausible to think that the cosmos was the house of God, that area where the center is everywhere and circumference nowhere, and men, tenants. In "Foams" show why this monoesfera metaphysics was bound to fail.
- Why?
"There's a contradiction that reflects the formal dilemma of the current situation in the world: through markets and global media are witnessing a war between lifestyles and between goods of information. Where everything is center can not be a true center. Where all issues, the event broadcasting center is lost in mixed messages. We see then that was the unit circle, the only, the largest, encompassing everything else has irrevocably ended. The area is no longer the world's morphological image polyspherical we inhabit, but the foam.
"In any case, this living space is increasingly under threat from the air we breathe is conditioned, filtered, purified. After the use of deadly gases, the air has become a threatening element. The air and environment are part of military strategy and, like the man needs to be immunized against these dangers ... -...
this accelerates the construction of protective areas, be they air space, our cities or our air conditioned offices and apartments. Our Western world would be a huge crystal palace. Something similar to the Crystal Palace of the British, the giant greenhouse and luxurious built in London in 1850 for the Universal Exhibition. West has replaced the metaphysical world by a large interior space organized by the purchasing power. Liberal capitalism embodies the will to exclude the outside world, retiring in absolute interior, comfortable decor, large enough so that we do not feel locked. I think that urban glass palace, with its pedestrian streets, homes with air conditioning, gives an adequate response to that desire. Walter Benjamin already said at the time of the Restoration in France, when speaking of malls and shopping streets of Paris. For him, building these passages, the regime of Napoleon III showed his true nature trying to transform the inner world in a kind of phantasmagoria: a large open room where you get the world without being obliged to leave home. For him, this was the ghost of bourgeois base: want to enjoy all the fruits of the world without leaving home.
- Based on this objective, the globalization of the media helps tremendously, because you can bring the world into your home without having to move?
And the rest, what do you do? What do you do with the underdeveloped periphery of the world?
-Used for sightseeing and practice charity. To get good conscience.
- Do you speak of postmodern man?
"Yes. Modernism was the time of the construction of the great glass greenhouse. Postmodernism is life after total inclusion in the large greenhouse. The periphery is there simply to remind us that everything is very safe and it is necessary to protect the structure at any price.
- Does the military system called "Star Wars", developed by the U.S., is part of the large greenhouse?
"Of course, because they are the guardians of this great palace of glass, mostly from its surface. A surface that is very fragile and at the same time, very flexible. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Americans began to build more sophisticated structures and even bigger than the Twin Towers. The funny thing is that nobody seems to miss those towers. Just
were destroyed, their functions were to be met by other structures. The real result of 11 September was that since then, Americans have something very precious: their first national monument mythical. Something like the Jerusalem of the Christians in the Middle Ages: the site where the tomb of Christ. For the first time, Americans have the Holy Land in the United States. To make a crusade, it is necessary to have a Holy Land.
"You not only hard on the Americans, also is with the Europeans, whom they accused of being cynical, look at the world with its principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, but say so and can not be change.
"Yes, cynicism is a kind of pragmatism applied to the field of ethical reflection. The old cynicism was something else, was simply a naturalist, a representation of nature as a reasonable regime regulating the movement of the stars and celestial bodies, and at the same time could be applied to human behavior. This sort of naturalism indicated that there was to give to the needs created by society and lead the life of a dog
- And you are a cynic?
"Not at all. I do not think you can ignore the needs created by society. Finally, Diogenes in his barrel, failed ignored. The proof is that he also wanted to enter the urban conversation, become the subject of public attention due to its spectacular barrel and this marginalization. For him, that was the only way I could a philosopher to be noticed in a society where all the good jobs were already distributed. Nowadays, one could say that cynicism is a marketing philosophy and the invention of dramatic gestures à coté is a philosophy of philosophy spoken, is a sort of expansion of the means of philosophical communication.
Returning to the crystal palace, and as nothing is eternal, what will happen after the large greenhouse?
-will end because the dolce vita in the great glass palace is based on technology that is not sustainable. Ie fossil fuels. In the history of mankind, the fossil must have been an episode of only about 300 years. We have fossil fuels for 50, 100 years maximum. In any case, our pleasure is not the same: it was virtually demolished, because fossil fuels are only nice when they are cheap, and that era is over forever. Not coming any more. When everything becomes expensive, no more comfort, because the democratization of luxury is impossible. The gifts of nature end there. Now people wonder how you can replace those gifts. The truth is that the man hates the job. Men pretend to work, but working dream of a gift, a treasure we seek on an ongoing basis. The work is only a sort of intermezzo is accepted pending the great gift.
Now, before the end of fossil fuels, the work returns as an unbearable burden.
"We can not complain, since the mid-nineteenth century until now we have reduced by two thirds the working time.
"Yes." But that was over forever. The end of the easy life is irreversible.
-After this, it seems rather difficult to understand why you are optimistic about the future of man.
"Because we have a good ability to manage this big shift to a technology that will be both cheap, compatible with the demands of democracy and, above all, affordable for countries that are now in the periphery. These people take advantage of the situation when the new solar technologies are available at reasonable prices. These new resources will enable a completely different structure of civilization.
- Can we say then that you are a philosopher pospesimista?
"I had not occurred, but it seems very appropriate that definition.
Luisa Corradini interview published in The Nation Buenos Aires with the title: Peter Sloterdijk: "Fascism had never left their grief"
pospesimista Interview with philosopher and poscínico
For some, Peter Sloterdijk is a visionary, a "new and
great Nietzsche." For others, the most famous German philosopher Jurgen Habermas after and responsible for opening the door to eugenics, a current approved genetically engineered to improve human health. Anyway, 20 years each book of the professor of aesthetics ends becoming a bestseller.
The Nation: What is the reason for this fascination? Probably the way he describes the world and man through concepts like "bubble", "ball" and "scum."
Peter Sloterdijk: According to their theory, the day when Copernicus proved that the earth was suspended in space, humanity hesitated man panicked at the thought of falling into the void and disappear in an infinite black hole. Since then, men seek to recover only a protective mantle, similar to the placenta which we comfortable. Therefore, that all human work tends to rebuild the original shape.
In the three volumes of almost 1000 pages each comprising "Spheres", this giant 57 year old blonde tries to show that, in this titanic effort to protect itself from "the terrors of abysmal space, rich Western countries have developed an "offensive constructivism, extended to infinity by construction, utopian and pragmatic, a global glass house should ensure a modern habitat in space open. "
But not all praise for the new star of world philosophy, who heads the University of Karlsruhe. Many accuse him of having transgressed the moral and political ban hanging over genetic engineering. The most tenacious critics is Habermas.
The scandal broke in 1999, at a conference titled Sloterdijk "Rules for the Human Park" . Going further than Nietzsche, presented to the school, education, the Church and humanity as techniques of domestication of man: "This practice he said has led us to live in a zoo full of animal themed civilized, where man is domesticated itself and tries to do the same with the newcomers. "educational humanism, he said, opened an" era antropotécnica "where genetic engineering and cloning is inevitable.
" After the conference, Habermas , awareness of Nazi Germany, accused him of using "Nazi jargon" and denounced his "anthropology of the 1940. The press, meanwhile, called it eugenics. What is your response?
- Eugenics is a part of modern thought. It is the very basis of liberalism. Eugenics is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe traditional left, taken by the Nationalists after the First World War. Progressivism is applied to the field of genetics. Each individual is reasonable at the time eugenicist who marries. Every woman is eugenics if you prefer to marry a man who has favorable qualities in physical appearance. Eugenics is the everyday.
- completely unconscious?
"Not at all. One is not unaware if he marries a beautiful woman. The preference of beauty in erotic matters is not unconscious: it is consciousness itself. As Plato said in "The Banquet" is the will to beget in beauty. Is the more conscious act and the most reasonable human being.
"So is eugenics fascist. Can man believed God and decide who should live and who is not?
"There never was a fascist eugenics. What was racist was an exterminator. This willingness to kill never had the slightest connection with the concept of eugenics conceived as a means of reflecting on the best terms that will be created the next generation. The Nazis took advantage of some pseudo-scientific excuses to eliminate diseased. That has nothing to do with eugenics. It is a total abuse of language to call it.
- And what do you attribute this confusion?
-A left-wing fascism was never revealed what it really is. The anti-fascism, as dominant ideology is that left-wing fascism never made their games. Its representatives never confessed what they really are. Accusing the fascists fascists hide their own right as fascists, including Maoism, which was the worst of fascism. Beside Mao, Hitler look like a fool and a neurasthenic, a poor figure compared with the major fascist Mao Tse-tung.
"When you used the term" human zoo theme "naturally had to cause a commotion. Was it a provocation?
Not at all. They are just metaphors that evoke an anthropological reality that exists, with or without the metaphor. Because the habitat of human being is the pure nature or pure state house. It is an intermediary organization, which is like a zoo. A city that was only a city would be a kind of prison. Livable cities are like zoos. And a human zoo is just a metaphor that refers to the urban quality of being human. I do not see where is the challenge. The thought of human beings in relation to animals is dominated by the zoofobia, the racism of the species. Men make their own projections in those terms, I believe that a reduction of humanity to animality, where is the exact opposite.
- Is it in that sense that, for you, "man is an animal of luxury?
"It's so luxurious that it is able to remain a real animal. Lost the ability to be an animal. That's my definition of humanity: the inability to be acquired in the field of animality. We are beings doomed to escape forward, and in that race we become ecstatic. That ecstasy corresponds to what Heidegger called "the opening to the world." Returning to eugenics, a supporter of eugenics luxury. I am particularly interested human beings as a phenomenon of luxury, almost miraculously, appeared at random. That creature carries a genetic disease inherited that are good for nothing, but with us. The only question eugenics that future generations might arise would be whether to suppress, through genetic engineering, some of these companions. In 50 or 100 years, I am sure that most of humanity will agree with these techniques. But this has nothing to do with eugenics trap. You need to get used to think the man as a luxury, even when dogmatic not stop telling us that man is man only in terms of its shortcomings.
-With three volumes of "Spheres" left the field of bioethics to raise no less than a general morphology of human space. In this trilogy returns to the big question of Heidegger: Where are we when we say we are in the world?
"And I reply:" In bubble areas, hatcheries, greenhouses, where the man is built, protects and change. " Human life always organized itself by creating protected areas and immune cell protoplasm and children in the womb, through the men when they build their intimacy, their homes, their cities and their metaphysical or imaginary spaces.
"For you, the model of the area is the island. Does the human fact would be built by separating?
-An island is because it is isolated, and human fact is the result of a major operation of isolation. The process leading to human reality is the self-enclosing a human group transforms its members as the monkeys become men. That process begins with a perverse and particular use of the hand of the monkey, which is metamorphosed into a human hand. We play differently, as shown by Sartre in "Being and Nothingness" when he speaks of the stroking. The touch is exactly the act that proves that the human hand has become ecstatic. Is no longer happy with the gesture of taking one thing: the hand turns the antenna to be.
- What is what you call "uterotopo?
"It's another aspect of the Isle of Man. You need to understand that human beings are condemned to a metaphorical practice is the need to repeat the situation ex utero in utero. The uterine environment becomes the symbol of global activity, because the human being is always dependent on a space saver for human nature.
-In "Foams," the latest volume of his trilogy, you say that those countless human spheres are agglomerated to form packages of "foam" which suggest that many human spaces closed.
"I could not stay at the level of the protective bubble of the family or small horde. I play classical metaphysics immune system as a symbolic building a transcendent and indestructible film about human beings. While mortals living under this sky, it was plausible to think that the cosmos was the house of God, that area where the center is everywhere and circumference nowhere, and men, tenants. In "Foams" show why this monoesfera metaphysics was bound to fail.
- Why?
"There's a contradiction that reflects the formal dilemma of the current situation in the world: through markets and global media are witnessing a war between lifestyles and between goods of information. Where everything is center can not be a true center. Where all issues, the event broadcasting center is lost in mixed messages. We see then that was the unit circle, the only, the largest, encompassing everything else has irrevocably ended. The area is no longer the world's morphological image polyspherical we inhabit, but the foam.
"In any case, this living space is increasingly under threat from the air we breathe is conditioned, filtered, purified. After the use of deadly gases, the air has become a threatening element. The air and environment are part of military strategy and, like the man needs to be immunized against these dangers ... -...
this accelerates the construction of protective areas, be they air space, our cities or our air conditioned offices and apartments. Our Western world would be a huge crystal palace. Something similar to the Crystal Palace of the British, the giant greenhouse and luxurious built in London in 1850 for the Universal Exhibition. West has replaced the metaphysical world by a large interior space organized by the purchasing power. Liberal capitalism embodies the will to exclude the outside world, retiring in absolute interior, comfortable decor, large enough so that we do not feel locked. I think that urban glass palace, with its pedestrian streets, homes with air conditioning, gives an adequate response to that desire. Walter Benjamin already said at the time of the Restoration in France, when speaking of malls and shopping streets of Paris. For him, building these passages, the regime of Napoleon III showed his true nature trying to transform the inner world in a kind of phantasmagoria: a large open room where you get the world without being obliged to leave home. For him, this was the ghost of bourgeois base: want to enjoy all the fruits of the world without leaving home.
- Based on this objective, the globalization of the media helps tremendously, because you can bring the world into your home without having to move?
And the rest, what do you do? What do you do with the underdeveloped periphery of the world?
-Used for sightseeing and practice charity. To get good conscience.
- Do you speak of postmodern man?
"Yes. Modernism was the time of the construction of the great glass greenhouse. Postmodernism is life after total inclusion in the large greenhouse. The periphery is there simply to remind us that everything is very safe and it is necessary to protect the structure at any price.
- Does the military system called "Star Wars", developed by the U.S., is part of the large greenhouse?
"Of course, because they are the guardians of this great palace of glass, mostly from its surface. A surface that is very fragile and at the same time, very flexible. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Americans began to build more sophisticated structures and even bigger than the Twin Towers. The funny thing is that nobody seems to miss those towers. Just
were destroyed, their functions were to be met by other structures. The real result of 11 September was that since then, Americans have something very precious: their first national monument mythical. Something like the Jerusalem of the Christians in the Middle Ages: the site where the tomb of Christ. For the first time, Americans have the Holy Land in the United States. To make a crusade, it is necessary to have a Holy Land.
"You not only hard on the Americans, also is with the Europeans, whom they accused of being cynical, look at the world with its principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, but say so and can not be change.
"Yes, cynicism is a kind of pragmatism applied to the field of ethical reflection. The old cynicism was something else, was simply a naturalist, a representation of nature as a reasonable regime regulating the movement of the stars and celestial bodies, and at the same time could be applied to human behavior. This sort of naturalism indicated that there was to give to the needs created by society and lead the life of a dog
- And you are a cynic?
"Not at all. I do not think you can ignore the needs created by society. Finally, Diogenes in his barrel, failed ignored. The proof is that he also wanted to enter the urban conversation, become the subject of public attention due to its spectacular barrel and this marginalization. For him, that was the only way I could a philosopher to be noticed in a society where all the good jobs were already distributed. Nowadays, one could say that cynicism is a marketing philosophy and the invention of dramatic gestures à coté is a philosophy of philosophy spoken, is a sort of expansion of the means of philosophical communication.
Returning to the crystal palace, and as nothing is eternal, what will happen after the large greenhouse?
-will end because the dolce vita in the great glass palace is based on technology that is not sustainable. Ie fossil fuels. In the history of mankind, the fossil must have been an episode of only about 300 years. We have fossil fuels for 50, 100 years maximum. In any case, our pleasure is not the same: it was virtually demolished, because fossil fuels are only nice when they are cheap, and that era is over forever. Not coming any more. When everything becomes expensive, no more comfort, because the democratization of luxury is impossible. The gifts of nature end there. Now people wonder how you can replace those gifts. The truth is that the man hates the job. Men pretend to work, but working dream of a gift, a treasure we seek on an ongoing basis. The work is only a sort of intermezzo is accepted pending the great gift.
Now, before the end of fossil fuels, the work returns as an unbearable burden.
"We can not complain, since the mid-nineteenth century until now we have reduced by two thirds the working time.
"Yes." But that was over forever. The end of the easy life is irreversible.
-After this, it seems rather difficult to understand why you are optimistic about the future of man.
"Because we have a good ability to manage this big shift to a technology that will be both cheap, compatible with the demands of democracy and, above all, affordable for countries that are now in the periphery. These people take advantage of the situation when the new solar technologies are available at reasonable prices. These new resources will enable a completely different structure of civilization.
- Can we say then that you are a philosopher pospesimista?
"I had not occurred, but it seems very appropriate that definition.
Luisa Corradini interview published in The Nation Buenos Aires with the title: Peter Sloterdijk: "Fascism had never left their grief"