Thursday, January 20, 2011

South Park Clyde Mysterio


Liars at this time we started our dress rehearsals, and since Friday we put the batteries in the pub with the comparsa DELIRIUM Jonathan Nieves "THE BANK"
. Here we give a list of tests time that we programmeA.

Friday, January 21
pub delirium: Liars and comparsa chirigota THE BANK

Saturday, January 22
pub Africa: Liars and comparsa chirigota COMPANY OF SERGEANT JOY

Friday, January 28 celebrations hall
the wild olive (Huelva): THE LIARS with more than 8 groups
Huelva province Saturday, 29 January

the liars in general test every year is done in the PSOE headquarters Punta Umbria

Friday, February 4
THE LIARS visit the rock Gibraleon well to sing with his troupe

ahhhh and I forgot this Monday we will sing with the Beatles "and the" Rolling Stones concert in Rio de janeiro.Este start around 3 and half in the morning and the tickets are on sale at burger of estaito for the modest price of 5400 euros


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