Thursday, June 24, 2010

Funny Freshman Initiation

a wolf to man ...... Happiness Dog Plautus

suffering I see in your eyes, dolor.La damn war is near, the officials of the terror they have chosen well.
I have been told that the demons killed your parents, destroyed the village where you were born, abused you, they're fucking cowards.
result from hell you lived, was born a creature, not the blame of what you get to escape paso.Ahora was no man's land, very lucky woman .....
In the village of Taiji begins a new day, leaving the morning wakes the god Aeolus noche.El vents its fury against the trees.
slant-eyed men are prepared for slaughter, an idyllic cove is their destiny into their waters are trapped mammals happy, today we can not say that this is their status, fear and night agony has seized suddenly ellos.De the show starts macabre red after several hours ....
The Ocean is in mourning, has raised the rates of sadness .. .
Masao Do not cry, the adult world has these things I hope when you grow up a little better, smile, summer is feliz.Este many adventures await you next to the friend Kikujiro.

Year 2003 is about to blow the war between Iraq and the allied countries, including the head of the United States.
Residents an Iraqi-Kurdish people, seeking information about the impending ataque.Satelite a smart guy will install satellite dishes all over the news will contorno.La header on all the news of the world.

Turtles Can Fly, tests espectador.Óptica the emotions of children of war, human metamorphosis accelerated . Bahman Ghobadi
film takes a direct, harrowing, where the protagonists are in their faces the marks of pain.
living situations are as real as life itself, unfortunately.
A different film, which away completely from the film of chips and cola products, where the cheap patriotism and tiring effects take over the minute .... is Iranian.
An American environmental group travel to the country of the rising sun, its mission is to expose and make known to the world dolphin slaughter that takes place in the village of Taiji.Por elsewhere unknown to many inhabitants of these lands.
A tasty business, but catastrophic irreparable consequences.
The Cove is moved between the thriller and conciencia.Sigue the wake of the new documentary, which apart from providing information and reporting, adding attractive elements to capture footage espectadores.Un exciting stealth without altibajos.Las images are installed in the retina and do not leave.
attack the system, hopefully serve for something.

The cove Note: 8.3.


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