The concept of Post-it City . Designates different cities occasional temporary occupations of public space, whether commercial, recreational, sexual or otherwise, with the common characteristic of only trace and manage their appearances and desapariciones.Al use the idea of \u200b\u200bPost-it City as the focus of this investigation attempts underline two considerations: the political potential that contains the idea itself and its effectiveness methodology for studying social and urban contexts very dispares.Los Post-it City phenomena underscore the reality of urban land as the place where so legitimate overlap different uses and situations, as opposed to increasing pressures to homogenize the public space. Faced with the ideals of the city as a place of consensus and consumption, temporary occupation of space rescue use value, reveal different requirements and needs that affect certain groups, and even encourage the creativity and imagination subjective. After the reality Post-it City, the city re-emerges as territory traversed by multiple dynamics and processes, but also by many subjects of genuine political dimension due to its lawful action intrusive, parasitic and recycling as survival strategies and imaginación.Desde another perspective, the temporary activities that infect the public space with many -architectural artifacts to allow reflection on the urban experience reconduzca his attention to the minuscule, thus correcting the arrogance of traditional architecture.
More info on the original source: http://www.ciutatsocasionals.net/homepage.htm
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