Ufffs, long time ago I do not appear on the blog, I've been busy with my thesis. About this insomniac made and I take up this article I found in my turisteos around the web (it's just an excerpt of the text, the original source.)
"architecture, urban planning and land management can be understood as organizers of complex systems where the variables are not linearly related. The behavior of the elements of an ecosystem responds to where the alteration of a
variables beyond the flexibility inherent in the system, generates an exponential behavior or any other, to create a new situation unstable equilibrium.
These processes are responsible for situations (dynamic) as seemingly random as the city or the distribution of territory. The system, which is a result of
variables analyzed and their interrelations, then the fact predates architectural or urban planning and is in confrontation with the specific circumstances of each particular environment, where it reaches its final configuration.
As in most complex systems, complexity is achieved from the relationship of simple elements, which are combined to generate entities with a greater degree of complexity, which in turn are interrelated, etc ... the limits of ecosystems (ecotones),
are the areas of contact with adjacent ecosystems. An ecosystem is related to others in the same way that the various elements are interconnected within itself, generating a seemingly unlimited relationships (areas) where the finiteness is defined as a point of gradient approaches zero influence .
systemic vision of architecture is one of the strongest ways to overcome post-modernity, when thinking as a way of generating, on the one hand, underlines the complex condition that architecture and urbanism always had, but on the other, brings new forms of production, apart from the idea, history, memory, metaphor and even the place ... or if not rule, takes these issues as part of a much larger system of relationships, moving them from their central position.
The concept of sustainability can only be understood through a systemic view of reality. To achieve sustainability, a system must necessarily increasing its complexity.
The concept of "sustainable development" is an oxymoron. The current economic rationale associated with economic welfare, which is determined by increased production and consumption, necessarily based on increased consumption of natural resources
Environmental economics can be argued that increasing consumption of manufactured capital by reducing the consumption of natural capital through the development of technologies (renewable energy and nanotechnology). However, the sustainability of the global system would go into crisis, as this model of development based on current economic and social inequalities. Front
environmental economics, ecological economics suggests that to achieve sustainability of the system is necessary to reduce production and consumption of manufactured capital. This results, logically, a reduction in consumption of natural resources. Society should change from a society that measures its Wellness in the consumption of physical goods, a social model in which welfare is based on the use of knowledge assets, intangible product. The key issue is the development of knowledge and information technology. This paradigm shift leads to increased system complexity. Furthermore, the relationships between its components and their properties should complicate
to achieve more efficient use of available resources. The complex management and organizational mode to replace the current sectorization. complex exercises on supports unsustainable. increasing sustainability of unsustainable patterns.
The degree of complexity of a system is defined by the system of relations established between its components and their complexity. To reduce resource consumption in a system, they must be shared by its members, resulting
new relationships and connections based on the increased use of these resources. In a pre-existing low-complexity and high resource consumption can reduce this factor by increasing system complexity can be generated to establish new ties of relationship between components or through a process of complexity of the they allow an intensification of the use that they make the other system components. The complexity of the components also leads to a qualification of the component, which avoids the need to add other components to the system simple with these qualities.
The number of relationships established between the components of the system increases by managing complex system, considering the whole system as a whole. Sectorial management establishes unrelated fields within the system, generating an increased need for resources to reduce the intensity of their use.
To study the complexity of the ecosystem formed by man, society and nature apply various scales of observation to include a subsystem encompassed in the global ecosystem. The changes that increase the complexity of the subsystems
imply an increase of the components or relationships of the components that comprise the global ecosystem, it also increases the complexity of the whole.
The subsystems are implemented transformations corresponding to different scales at which reality is commonly divided in the practice of spatial planning and architecture: the room, community spaces, public space, the city and the territory
. In these subsystems the complexity can be increased through simple changes complejicen components that form, multiply and intensify its use and increase both the relations between its components, such as relations between the different subsystems.
Domestically the company's physical assets consumption in postmodernity characterized by increased absorption and accumulation. The lack of connection, the uniqueness of applications, the standardization of components and their specificity
monofunctional involving an increasing consumption of resources, make the domestic space in a tight space that is not related to the environment and operating through a large consumption of energy and space. The lack of flexibility and adaptability of conventional housing models come into conflict with new changing modes of living that characterize the current situation. The adaptation of these models to this new situation creates a consumption of resources that could be prevented through changes in these models to others with a greater degree of adaptability to changes in the ways of living, changes of use and to allow greater intensification of use. Reducing the domestic space to the basic cell that is the room, it could be associated in different ways according to the new family models and how they live today. The relationship
cell room environment is also proposed a transformation that complicates the element by which they relate. If a conventional enclosure only played the roles of thermal and acoustic insulation, understanding it as an enclosure which constitutes a housing component with the largest number of functions, causing a radical transformation of the cell housing. The envelope takes many uses and offers new ways to interact with the environment. This envelope can assume the functions of storage, regulating the intensity of light and direct solar radiation, modified by season, increasing the degree of thermal insulation, acoustic privacy, and can and should have the qualities and easy recyclability adaptation to changing modes of life for users. Applying this concept of storage envelope and relationship with the environment to the conventional types, the degree of sustainability of these increases to be required fewer resources to adapt to changing ways of living of the users . Besides the relationship with the media may take many forms avoiding self-absorption and the tightness of conventional enclosures and recovering the perception of seasonality.
spaces relationship between the domestic and urban space have been relegated almost entirely to the core function of communication, eliminating community uses proposed in the motion modern. This reduction causes a decrease of monofunctional relationships between domestic space users and potential users outside the cell housing to those who provided services. It has also led to the need to incorporate these functions prior to each cell housing community with a consequent decrease in the intensity of use and increased resource consumption, which in this case could amount to living space within the home.
If these spaces not only incorporate community uses that formerly characterized, but also introduce their own uses of public space, these areas increase markedly its ability to create relationships between the users of the cell room and those outside them. The common spaces conceived as spaces go extension of private space to function as extensions of public space.
This increase in complexity with the juxtaposition of previously separate applications and the integration of public and private courses can be applied on a wider scale in the urban space. If the private area is completely surrounded by the public, increasing the contact surface and the intersection of routes increase significantly the number of possible relationships within the urban system. The current distribution of applications via separate buildings monofunctional and the exclusive use of the street elevation
for public space reduces the surface potential of relationship.
previously proposed a storage envelope and relationship applied to a type of conventional housing. A public urban scale bound fundamentally change the relationship and living systems of the public. It becomes the basic section of the city, joining the public on all levels. The city recovered its natural sphere of relationship and by enhancing public use, relationships increase dramatically.
monofunctional involving an increasing consumption of resources, make the domestic space in a tight space that is not related to the environment and operating through a large consumption of energy and space. The lack of flexibility and adaptability of conventional housing models come into conflict with new changing modes of living that characterize the current situation. The adaptation of these models to this new situation creates a consumption of resources that could be prevented through changes in these models to others with a greater degree of adaptability to changes in the ways of living, changes of use and to allow greater intensification of use. Reducing the domestic space to the basic cell that is the room, it could be associated in different ways according to the new family models and how they live today. The relationship
cell room environment is also proposed a transformation that complicates the element by which they relate. If a conventional enclosure only played the roles of thermal and acoustic insulation, understanding it as an enclosure which constitutes a housing component with the largest number of functions, causing a radical transformation of the cell housing. The envelope takes many uses and offers new ways to interact with the environment. This envelope can assume the functions of storage, regulating the intensity of light and direct solar radiation, modified by season, increasing the degree of thermal insulation, acoustic privacy, and can and should have the qualities and easy recyclability adaptation to changing modes of life for users. Applying this concept of storage envelope and relationship with the environment to the conventional types, the degree of sustainability of these increases to be required fewer resources to adapt to changing ways of living of the users . Besides the relationship with the media may take many forms avoiding self-absorption and the tightness of conventional enclosures and recovering the perception of seasonality.
spaces relationship between the domestic and urban space have been relegated almost entirely to the core function of communication, eliminating community uses proposed in the motion modern. This reduction causes a decrease of monofunctional relationships between domestic space users and potential users outside the cell housing to those who provided services. It has also led to the need to incorporate these functions prior to each cell housing community with a consequent decrease in the intensity of use and increased resource consumption, which in this case could amount to living space within the home.
If these spaces not only incorporate community uses that formerly characterized, but also introduce their own uses of public space, these areas increase markedly its ability to create relationships between the users of the cell room and those outside them. The common spaces conceived as spaces go extension of private space to function as extensions of public space.
This increase in complexity with the juxtaposition of previously separate applications and the integration of public and private courses can be applied on a wider scale in the urban space. If the private area is completely surrounded by the public, increasing the contact surface and the intersection of routes increase significantly the number of possible relationships within the urban system. The current distribution of applications via separate buildings monofunctional and the exclusive use of the street elevation
for public space reduces the surface potential of relationship.
previously proposed a storage envelope and relationship applied to a type of conventional housing. A public urban scale bound fundamentally change the relationship and living systems of the public. It becomes the basic section of the city, joining the public on all levels. The city recovered its natural sphere of relationship and by enhancing public use, relationships increase dramatically.
The territory also must intensify qualities intrinsic to it. The field should be more urban area and urban (S. Rueda). The city should aim to increase its compactness to reduce demand for resources instead of betting on current dispersion models that, in addition to consuming more land, are systems with higher requirements for its operation. The compact city is a more complex system that can reduce resource consumption noticeably through increased use and the continuous generation of relationships among its components in order to maximize available resources.
Due to the current need to reform existing systems rather than replacing them with new ones that worked so sustainable, but need huge amounts of resources for their creation, modification to the increased complexity in media are unsustainable basic exercises to improve the overall sustainability of existing urban systems and, therefore, ecosystem-Man-Nature Society. "
Due to the current need to reform existing systems rather than replacing them with new ones that worked so sustainable, but need huge amounts of resources for their creation, modification to the increased complexity in media are unsustainable basic exercises to improve the overall sustainability of existing urban systems and, therefore, ecosystem-Man-Nature Society. "
Javier Caro Gentil Miguel Fernández DomÃnguez
Original Source: http://upcommons.upc.edu/revistes/bitstream/2099/2231/1/IAU-00045- 19.pdf
The image is from Rome Wiki (MIT, Carlo Ratti project).