Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Stream South Park On Ipad

And he would not sleep.

had woven leather - plastic skin covering my eyes around my neck.

achieve this knot enclose my burning red eyes, smiling, smiling

for not sleeping, not sleeping,

to stay awake until the brain arteries will begin to color purple, purple

, bruised ... Yes

Under my horizontal body moistened my neck, and my skin seemed to curl up against the bone while the humidity and heat the room managed to swallow the exterior color. Exterior

my window where networks and immovable impenetrable prevented any traffic, any freedom, any anarchy. Nonexistent

everything is sound for this scene.

There is much grain is lost, the small pores cum hairy wet particles are breaking the oxygen in the room.

I want the music does not end up in this space my emotions are waves lapping at the tinting material according to frequency.

Muscles are dropping as if each tendon ys stop working and start to slowly rip acubierto like oil. The body goes for a little while degreasing try to move the head to open his eyes.

traveled through that tunnel closed and red phosphorescent red above, again and again red.

ears pulsate and is becoming more oppressive, I want to get the skin off but I can not

is corrupting the heat inside me as if my veins lava, lava. Lava Mountain jealous that she was raped by a desire to summit of man.

There are so many feelings in the spider sheet ...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

2000 Xterra Roof Lights


Cristián Warnken Thursday October 2, 2008

Main Street

They told us that was about to be paradise on earth, but we fall before our very eyes the "indestructible" Berlin Wall.
They told us that our cities were impregnable to terror, but we saw how the towers fell Twin rain turned into ashes.

They told us there would be no recession, which handled the finances alone, but we saw how the world's stock plummeted, as the wall, like the towers, as our dreams.

They are Wall Street. We're Main Street, the street, reality, men of flesh and bone, rising in the morning with an illusion, which go out to give all the sweat of their brows. We are those who weep or sing, we buy, taxpayers: those who "contribute" to our own lives upon the altars that they have raised.

And this is so since straight and we had to go hunting and fighting the cold, hunger and shortages. NN are the Neanderthal, Moscow, Santiago and New York. One day, long ago, they separated us and said: "We are the wizards, experts, magicians of the tribe. Give us your freedom." Sometimes they make us appear in a statistical graph, then we forget and ignore, and we passionately love again when elections approach. We are the ones who pay taxes, which finance their wars.

We give our faith and our savings, play with it at the casino, bet, crazy orgies of unbridled speculation and profiteering. They tell us now brought into the abyss again, and again ask us to go to their rescue. They do not shudder to put at risk the efforts of all our lives, so often denied us water and salt, and now, kneeling, we implore mercy.
Before an egalitarian society promised us and made us slaves of totalitarian hell. After convinced us that the market was the panacea for all human problems. Now we say the state has to save them. To them, the speculators.

always have speculated. Before speculating with political and philosophical theories. Now speculating in the stock values. Always have speculated with our lives, our blood, our dreams and our savings. And, like a flock hypnotized again and again, ended up following the cliff of the theory, which has nothing to do with the rough reality. They

yesterday, were the Party, State, God. Now Wall Street, the Market God. We're Main Street, the street, the shawl, the underdogs. Our grandparents suffered recessions in the flesh born of her unbridled ambition, and have always exceeded the limits of reality. It has taken us decades to recover from its economic and political experiments of his lies, his excesses. And now they claim that they also pay their last spree?

What would happen if we do not, and we drop this time, to know also what is the defeat and fear? What if we do not vote for them in the next election, and took our savings and put them away under the mattress, as did our grandmothers? What if we throw all at the same time, their usurious credit cards to the sea?
Yes, they fall once, you finally see the naked truth and not subsidized by our sweat and blood. That they get down your Olympus to Main Street, walk our streets, to sweat, to mourn and laugh with us, learn that there are stations that everything has its cycle, its rhythm, its limits. That fall the masks, and giant with feet of clay finally give the face of the great puppeteers Nothing!

Or return to give them a more-oh, patient herd-our coins and our faith?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Lauren London's Weave


"... You're an old man who only thinks in terms of peoples and nations. There are no nations, there are no peoples. There are no Russians, no Arabs, no third worlds, and the West. There is only one large system of systems, one vast, interwoven wild, intercropping, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars, petrodollars, electrodólares, multidólares, marks, yen, pounds, francs, rubles. It is the international monetary system that determines the totality of life on this planet. That's the natural order of things today. That is the atomic structure and subatomic universal things that make up today. And you have meddled with the primitive forces of nature, and you should fix it ... I understand you Mr. Beale? ... You appear in his small 21-inch screen and scream about America and democracy. There is America, there is no democracy, there is only IBM, ITT, Dow, ATIT, Exxon, etc. Those are the nations of the world today .... What the Russians talk about in their councils of state ?...¿ De Karl Marx? ... No, linear programming systems, theories of economic statistics and computing costs of their transactions and investments as we do. We no longer live in a world of nations, ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations inexorably led by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled from the mud, and our children will live to see that Mr. Beale. A perfect world where there will be no war or famine, pressure, or brutality. A vast and ecumenical partner company in which all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men possess a number of actions, which will cover all needs are moderate all anxieties and are fun to not get bored. And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale to preach the gospel ... (1) "

NETWORK (1976)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Moncler Us Official Store


Who would suspect that words have finally surrendered to the poet,
and the sense of metáfota decided to admit defeat.

deceive the reality that we prefer to cushion our eternal return, our deformable
tragedy, the tragedy of solitude, we always

flee to hold our misfortune,
"But is not also an alienation Art complacent?
Is not that, your helpless target, its ill-fated dream?

Only one bomb ....

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Could Genital Warts Be On Stomach?

"Soledad was independence, I had wanted and had achieved after long years. It was cold, it is true, but it was quiet, wonderfully quiet and large, cold space and the quiet they move the stars. "

Harry Haller.

Friday, February 29, 2008

How Normal Hymen Look Like

PRELUDIOS before dawn

"Mother night, drooling kiss bohemian angst of the day, I'm jealous Judas"

The moon pants,

I'm down, baring

sky, it opens the true darkness of the sun father, the real vice

your phrase brother, your words my friend ...

... appears as an epitaph on the grave of my ideas, it starts the daily monologue, only


've been like this before in other hobbies,

I've been like this before?

hear voices, I know where they come from my gluttony schizophrenic

a small child looks at me blaming me, believe me,

waiting for me in that empty corner,

where he left schedules,

brother's inside, not outside, it is waiting for you here in silence as you wanted,

radio megaphone, calling from away, ringing in my ears, the words of a thousand nights ago,

Orchestra of pain, moaning

human emotions, many of them at this time.

My steps are stakes.

nailing is going in the sweet memories of road trips,

but specifically

know if I'm not above or below the surface, negative or positive, what is the difference?,

this is diluted and becomes past, never future, as long past, the

silent crowd huddles around my eyes and makes me feel safe,

femina Silence, silence Oedipus blanket always, always cherish ...


about all gone,

weasels are back to their graves chocolate

remember some love, as I fear the sea.

all fighting this thing in the morning,

On my way ....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is Smell More Sensitive During Period

One day morning I got off the track, everything went

red like when things burn with passion.

All voices were heard wet behind walls of earth.

This drove me blind and forgotten while everything was becoming darker.